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News release

  • Runrig 40th anniversary concert now available on DVD
  • Chance to re-live famous Party on the Moor gig
  • Event celebrated legendary band’s four decades of music

One of the most significant and successful concerts staged by Runrig, to mark the band’s 40thanniversary, has been recaptured on DVD.

The Gaelic rock legends staged the massive gig at Muir of Ord near Inverness last August to celebrate the remarkable journey from island dance band to international phenomenon.

Party on the Moor became the ultimate Runrig concert, a never-to-be-repeated distillation of their music and all they have represented over four extraordinary decades.

Muir of Ord had never before been used as a music venue but it fitted the requirements perfectly. The ambitious production attracted devoted fans from all corners of the world and featured ex-band members as guest performers in an emotional night of musical magic that will live long in the memory.

Party on the Moor is now available on DVD, Blu Ray and as a three-disc audio CD.

For the band’s members, past and present, Rory Macdonald, Brian Hurren, Donnie Munro, Calum Macdonald, Malcolm Jones, Bruce Guthro, Pete Wishart and Iain Bayne, the anniversary concert was a unique and emotional occasion.

Rory Macdonald said: “It was a magical live experience unlike no other I can remember: the weather came good, the show worked, the genuine goodwill from everyone was palpable; from the audience, the supports, the staff, the crew, all creating this positive force of togetherness and a potent marking of the milestone.“

His brother and fellow band founder, Calum, added: ‘’It was so long in the planning, in the heart and in the mind. A real, significant milestone for us all. You remember the big shows and the significant concerts, but this one seemed to be an event that superseded all the others and certainly superseded the duration of the actual show.

"The three hours of the concert went past like three minutes and the forty years passed like a dream.’’

The concert brought together former frontman Donnie Munro and current singer Bruce Guthro on stage for the first time.

Donnie said: ’’To celebrate 40 years of making music is quite an achievement in its own right and to do it with the support and generosity of so many people who have supported the band over many years is a privilege one has no right to expect.

“Coming on stage at Muir of Ord was therefore a very special and moving moment both personally and as a part of the band over so many years.”

And Bruce said: “There is a sense of family within this band that extends beyond its inner circle, it manages to stay together and offer something that is unique. The ship isn't as streamlined, fit, and young as it once was, but there is an integrity, honesty and resilience to it that drives it forward.... even after 40 years.”

The two frontmen singing together was a highlight for many, including Malcolm Jones: “Munro and Guthro – a great moment. Long set? – doesn’t feel like it .Who could ask for a better audience? Job done, in style, a fitting concert to mark the occasion. Did I mention the rain? Came there none.’’

Brian Hurren said the whole event had a real sense of celebration: “It became crystal clear, that celebrating the bands 40thanniversary was just as much about what Runrig meant to everyone there, as the anniversary itself. Now, that was special”

Iain Bayne also paid tribute to the band’s loyal fans: “It was an emotional day and still hard for me to understand. Not many bands have the pleasure and privilege to be playing concerts after so many years, and it's a testimony to a very special audience who still stand there with us.”

  • Party on the Moor is available from 28 March

For more information contact.

John Ross
Lucid PR
01463 724593; 07730 099617




Quick facts

Party on the Moor became the ultimate Runrig concert, a never-to-be-repeated distillation of their music and all they have represented over four extraordinary decades.
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You remember the big shows and the significant concerts, but this one seemed to be an event that superseded all the others and certainly superseded the duration of the actual show. „The three hours of the concert went past like three minutes and the forty years passed like a dream.’’
Calum Macdonald