Mike The Pike Productions, Inc.’s Spokefish Secures Critically Lauded Pawel Sambor for ‘Bulderlyns’
Artist to breathe fire into dragons of Spokefish loreFORT WAYNE, IN –February 7, 2011- Mike The Pike Productions, Inc.(OTC: MIKP)(www.mtpprods.com) is thrilled to announce that its Graphic Novel partnership, Spokefish, LLP, has attached artist Pawel Sambor as inker/colorist on its fire-breathing fantasy, ‘Bulderlyns’, about a town besieged by mythical beasts as a result of a well-intended gift gone wrong from a business man to his young son after a trip overseas. Sambor is no stranger to Spokefish as he is also currently working on the title design for the company’s ‘R.E.M.’, which the