Testimonial videos spell out heat pump benefits in users own words

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Mitsubishi Electric has launched a series of testimonial videos which help convey the benefits of Ecodan renewable heating in the words of the people using it on a day-to-day basis.

The four videos – part of an on-going series, feature the views and experience of a selfbuilder couple from Gloucestershire; social housing tenants from the Isle of Wight; the developer of new, executive homes and one of the homeowners, from Hertfordshire.

“We wanted people to be able to tell us what they have experienced with Ecodan renewable heating to help convince others who have yet to look at whether heat pumps are suitable for their project,” explained Graham Temple, Marketing Manager for the company’s heating systems.

“We have now installed thousands of Ecodan systems up and down the country in both domestic and commercial buildings and the technology is now firmly established as a reliable, renewable source of heating,” he adds.

“We know that there are more situations where heat pumps can help people reduce both their running costs and emissions levels, so we hope these testimonials will help people understand why they should look at Ecodan.”

Ecodan is the UK’s market leader in heat pumps and is available as both a monobloc and split system in capacities from 4kW upwards.  Large commercial air source systems can offer up to 688kW and the new CRHV Ecodan ground or water source heat pump can extend to 960kW of renewable heating.

“These are the first of further testimonials we plan to produce as we look at getting the views of homeowners and businesses around the country,” explains Temple.  “We already have more planned to show the extent of heat pump use.”

For further details on the Ecodan range, telephone 01707 278772 or visit www.ecodan.co.uk


Note to editor:

All issued press release and photography can be found at the dedicated Mitsubishi Electric news site: http://news.cision.com/mitsubishi-electric-living-environmental-systems

Founded in 1921, Mitsubishi Electric is a global, market leading, environmental technologies manufacturer, producing an advanced range of heating, air conditioning and ventilation equipment. The company realises that ensuring the right solutions are selected for each individual building, requires collaboration by all involved. Mitsubishi Electric has therefore changed the way it does business to ensure engagement with all involved in delivering sustainable buildings so that together, we can make a world of difference.

For further editorial information please contact:

Russell Jones: Email: russell.jones@meuk.mee.com
PR & Communications Manager: Telephone: 01707 278772

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“We know that there are more situations where heat pumps can help people reduce both their running costs and emissions levels, so we hope these testimonials will help people understand why they should look at Ecodan.”
Graham Temple