MPC Container Ships AS listed on Merkur Market

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MPC Container Ships AS ("the Company") announced today the approval for admission to trading of its shares on Oslo Børs' Merkur Market. Trading is expected to commence on 31 May 2017 under the ticker symbol "MPCC-ME".

Trading is expected to commence on 31 May 2017 under the ticker symbol "MPCC-ME".

This listing reflects the Company's strategy for its shares to be listed on a reputable stock exchange and to provide its shareholder base an appropriate platform for trading.

No new shares are to be issued in connection with the admission to trading on Merkur Market. The ISIN Code NO 001 0791353 remains unchanged to the former registration on the NOTC list. In conjunction with the admission to trading, Fearnley Securities AS has acted as the financial advisor to the Company and Advokatfirmaet Wiersholm AS as the Company's Norwegian legal advisor.

The Admission Document is available on Oslo Børs' NewsPoint at

About MPC Container Ships AS:

MPC Container Ships AS’ main activity is to own and operate a portfolio of container ships with a focus on the feeder segment between 1,000 and 3,000 TEU. The Company was formed in April 2017. It is registered and has its business office in Oslo, Norway. MPC Container Ships AS is registered on the NOTC-list (Oslo, Norway) as of 28 April 2017 with ticker code “MPCC”.

Further information and contact:

MPC Container Ships AS
Managing Director
Constantin Baack
