Electronics that provide optimal operation for the fuel cells

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myFC Lab Stories is non-regulatory information from myFC's laboratory. The texts reflect the work that the company's researchers and developers carry out in the development of the patented technology. The numbers and data in this text are not to be considered as a forecast for future revenues.

The electronics system that supports myFC's micro fuel cells creates optimal operating conditions – both for the fuel cell itself and the application that it supplies with power.
– If we regard the fuel cell as the heart of the system, then the electronics system is the valves and blood vessels, says Sebastian Weber, CTO at myFC.

The distributed electronics are a foundation for myFC's patented technology for modular and scalable fuel cells.
– It enables that we can offer a system that in each application is optimized for the power required by the target system. It provides a system with a minimal spatial footprint, and a very competitive cost, says Sebastian Weber.

The system. A description of how myFC's system is connected, with the micro fuel cells as the heart, the support system Balance of Plant as its nervous
system and electronics as the blood vessels and heart valves.

Uppgraded technology
The electronics dynamically control the operation of the fuel cell system and enable distributed buffering of the power, which makes it possible to handle extremely rapid changes in the power demand.
– Here we have innovated, and created a system that automatically balances the buffer, designed for best application performance, either a battery or a supercapacitor. This reduces the complexity of the system. Among other things, no dedicated battery management system (BMS) is required, he says.
The design and the implementation of the electronics focuses on control for the best possible fuel cell assembly operation, in combination with maximizing the electrical efficiency.

Safe operation
The distributed electrical system is then controlled by a central brain (Fuel Cell Management System) that senses relevant data via measuring points on the fuel cell assemblies and the Balance of Plant (BOP). It ensures a safe operation of the system and facilitate data management that provides visibility and long-term optimization and  maintainability.
– In many of our proof-of-concepts, we use wireless real-time monitoring and control of relevant system parameters. It provides good visibility and a quick adjustments and tuning for the specific application, says Sebastian Weber.

For further information, please contact: 
Michael Perselius, myFC Press
Mail: press@myfc.se 
Phone: +46 707 89 07 40

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About myFC
Swedish innovation company myFC offers thin, scalable fuel cells that are easy to dimension and adapt to any electric application. myFC develops hybrid technology solutions combining batteries and hydrogen-based micro fuel cells for extended usage and reduced carbon footprint. The company was founded in 2005 and was listed on NASDAQ First North Growth Market in 2014. Its headquarters are in Stockholm. For more information, visit myFC.se




We can offer a system that in each application is optimized for the power required by the target system. It provides a system with a minimal spatial footprint, and a very competitive cost.
Sebastian Weber, CTO, myFC