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myFC Lab Stories: From prestudy to delivery – myFC's project manager supervises the job

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myFC Lab Stories is non-regulatory information from myFC's laboratory. The texts reflect the work that the company's researchers and developers carry out in the development of the patented technology. The numbers and data in this text are not to be considered as a forecast for future revenues.

myFC has undergone a transformation – from the consumer market to being a technology supplier with a focus on B2B. The company is now taking active steps towards commercializing and mass production of their fuel cell technology LAMINA™ Strip to meet the needs of the ongoing electrification.
– The market has matured. The understanding and acceptance of fuel cells is much greater than just a few years ago. The industry is beginning to realize that fuel cells are an excellent complement to batteries, and thus a viable solution, says Stefan Axelsson, senior project manager at myFC.

When myFC signs a contract with a customer for a development project, a project manager enters the process. Stefan Axelsson, senior project manager at the company and with extensive experience from world leading Swedish companies, is one of them.

Supervises the process. Stefan Axelsson, senior project manager at myFC.

– I am involved in the entire development phase, until the customer has a product that can be put on the market, he says.
The development work follows an established plan. It starts with a prestudy, which leads on to a feasibility study.
– There we specify the system, create a project plan and make cost calculations. Risk analysis is also part of the feasibility phase, says Stefan Axelsson.
After that, the work goes into a development phase and a proof-of-concept work, where myFC's technical team step by step develops a prototype that is delivered to the customer.
Throughout the process – from feasibility study to delivery – the project manager is a spider in the web that holds the threads and communicates both externally to the customer and internally with myFC's own team.

From prestudy to delivery. myFC's project manager enters the process during the prestudy and leads the work until it is time to deliver to the customer.

At the moment, he is in the middle of a project that focuses on intralogistics. This is the previously communicated customer project where myFC's patented fuel cell technology will be integrated into warehouse robots (Automated Guided Vehicle, AGV).
– We are finishing the feasability study and entering the development and proof-of-concept phase. At the moment, there is a lot of work around the dimensioning of the system, where we match the requirements from the customer.
The project aims to create an application where fuel cells combine accumulators in the automated warehouse robots (AGV) that the customer has at their logistics center in Leipzig.
– The advantage is substantial. If we combine our technology with the storage robots' own system for battery operation, they no longer need to stand still and charge for several hours every day.

The filling of hydrogen gas takes a few minutes and the operating time is up to 99.5 percent. This means that the customer can manage with fewer robots and also does not have to waste large storage areas for charging infrastructure.
– There is a clear financial gain in that, he says.
In addition to keeping in touch with the customer and coordinating the work internally, it is part of his role to document the process. Different regulatory requirements are also something that the project manager is familiar with.
– I also have an internal assignment to further develop our own processes now that we are taking the company further into B2B and to commercialize and mass produce our fuel cell technology with LAMINA™Strip. We are heading for a more production-oriented phase with paying customers in focus, he says.

He sees great potential with myFC's own fuel cell technology.
– It is exciting and is just right in time. The market has matured and the understanding and acceptance of fuel cells is much greater than just a few years ago. The industry is beginning to come to the realization that batteries alone do not solve all problems, says Stefan Axelsson.

For further information, please contact: 
Michael Perselius, myFC Press
Mail: press@myfc.se 
Phone: +46 707 89 07 40

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Avanza Bank
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About myFC
Swedish innovation company myFC offers thin, scalable fuel cells that are easy to dimension and adapt to any electric application. myFC develops hybrid technology solutions combining batteries and hydrogen-based micro fuel cells for extended usage and reduced carbon footprint. The company was founded in 2005 and was listed on NASDAQ First North Growth Market in 2014. Its headquarters are in Stockholm. For more information, visit myFC.se




The market has matured and the understanding and acceptance of fuel cells is much greater than just a few years ago. The industry is beginning to come to the realization that batteries alone do not solve all problems
Stefan Axelsson, senior project manager, myFC.