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  • Soft mobility deal opens up for new sectors – myFC sees great potential in intralogistics industry

Soft mobility deal opens up for new sectors – myFC sees great potential in intralogistics industry

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According to board member Klaus Juergen Wiemers, with a background as head of Bosch's Nordic automotive division, the previously announced deal with a global soft mobility company strengthens interest in myFC's fuel cell technology.
“Our technology would make a big difference in the e-mobility market, including the intralogistics industry,” says Klaus Juergen Wiemers.

As previously announced, myFC is launching a development project with a global soft mobility company.* Prior to the deal, a thorough study was conducted to explore the possibilities of combining myFC's micro fuel cell technology with the end customer's own products.

“Since then, they have continued with the development and testing of prototypes,” says Klaus Juergen Wiemers.

He regards the deal as a win-win situation that allows myFC to take further steps towards a commercial breakthrough. The deal is also a proof that myFC's new strategy as a technology solution provider at a B2B market – which targets applications with lower power requirements – is the right way to go.

“We have essentially left the consumer market. Today, we sell our technology and our know-how. And at the same time, as in this case, we will get our products tested by a well-known company established on a global market.”

For myFC, the collaboration also provides an opportunity to show the world what they can do. The collaboration verifies that the company's fuel cell technology with small and scalable cells that are easy to adapt to a variety of applications, is competitive and well adapted to the increased power needs and the challenges of sustainability that the world is facing.

“The deal opens up interest in several other sectors, one of them is the intralogistics industry where we see great potential, too. Our technology is very suitable for automated logistics robots, such as AMR: s and AGV: s. Forklifts are another possible application,” says Klaus Juergen Wiemers, who himself has 30 years of experience in technology-driven industry. He was previously head of Bosch's Nordic automotive division, with a special focus on electrification and powertrains.

myFC brings their newly developed fuel cell LAMINA™ Strip – designed by the company's team of engineers – into deal with the soft mobility company.

“The results we have seen so far are very positive. LAMINA™ Strip delivers the highest effect in myFC's history, and we see great potential in making it even more efficient,” says Klaus Juergen Wiemers.

*Footnote: The name of the company is still confidential; the deal is made with Japanese enterprise Lightec Inc as an intermediary.

For further information, please contact: 
myFC Press Office 
Mail:  press@myfc.se 
Phone: +46 738 09 33 83

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About myFC
Swedish innovation company myFC offers thin, scalable fuel cells that are easy to dimension and adapt to any electric application. myFC develops hybrid technology solutions combining batteries and hydrogen-based micro fuel cells for extended usage and reduced carbon footprint. The company was founded in 2005 and was listed on NASDAQ First North Growth Market in 2014. Its headquarters are in Stockholm. For more information, visit myFC.se




The deal opens up interest in several other sectors, one of them is the intralogistics industry where we see great potential, too. Our technology is very suitable for automated logistics robots, such as AMR: s and AGV: s. Forklifts are another possible application.
Klaus Juergen Wiemers, member of the myFC Board of Directors