Annica Gerentz to leave NCC

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Annica Gerentz, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications, is to leave this position. She will step down on October 10 and will thereafter be at the disposal of NCC’s President and Chief Executive Officer.

Annica Gerentz has been employed at NCC since 2000 and has held the position of Senior Vice President Corporate Communications since 2004. She has also been a member of NCC’s Executive Group Management.

“During her many years at NCC, and under four CEOs, Annica Gerentz has contributed with her excellent communications skills.  She has participated in developing NCC into a successful and leading Nordic company with a strong brand,” says Peter Wågström, NCC’s President and Chief Executive Officer.

The process of recruiting her successor has been initiated. Acting Vice President Corporate Communications during this process will be Ulf Thorne, Communication Manager for NCC Construction Sweden.

For furher information, please contact:
Peter Wågström, CEO, Phone+46 (8) 585 530 40

This is the type of information that NCC could be obligated to disclose pursuant to the Securities Market Act. The information was issued for publication on October 10, 2011 at 10.15  a.m.

All of NCC:s press releases are available on

NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the Nordic region. NCC had in 2010 sales of fully SEK 49 billion, with 17,000 employees.


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