Interim Report for the period January 1 - September 30, 2011

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  • Orders received SEK 42,935 M (40,788)
  • Net sales SEK 34,416 M (34,082)
  • Profit after financial items SEK 729 M (1,207)
  • Profit after tax for the period SEK 544 M (937)
  • Earnings per share SEK 5.00 (8.61)

If you have any questions about the interim report, please contact:
Chief Financial Officer, Ann-Sofie Danielsson, tel:  +46 (0)70-674 07 20.
Investor Relations Manager, Johan Bergman, tel:  +46 (0)8-585 523 53, +46 (0)70-354 80 35.

NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the Nordic region. NCC had in 2010 sales of fully SEK 49 billion, with 17,000 employees.


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