Invitation to a Capital Markets Meeting with NCC

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NCC is inviting representatives from the financial market and media to a Capital Markets Meeting with NCC on Tuesday, October 16 in Stockholm.

As previously announced, President and CEO Tomas Carlsson is conducting an analysis of the company and the findings of this study will be presented at the meeting. The CEO and other members of the Executive Management Team will take part in the meeting. NCC is also planning to present preliminary figures for January-September 2018. The preliminary figures will be disclosed in a press release on October 16 at 7:10 a.m. The complete interim report will be published as planned on October 25.

Location: Scandic Anglais, Humlegårdsgatan 23

Time: 8:30 a.m. (the presentations begin at 9:00 a.m.) until 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch.

Registration: If you wish to attend NCC’s Capital Markets Meeting, please register using this link no later than October 10.

It will also be possible to follow the Capital Markets Meeting by webcast and telephone on

For further information, please contact:

Johan Bergman, Head of Investor Relations, NCC +468-585 523 53

NCC’s media line +46 (0)8 585 519 00, E-mail:, NCC's Media bank

Om NCC. Vår vision är att förnya vår bransch och erbjuda de bästa hållbara lösningarna. NCC är ett av de ledande företagen i Norden inom bygg, infrastruktur och fastighetsutveckling med en omsättning på närmare 55 Mdr SEK och 17 800 anställda 2017. NCC är börsnoterat på Nasdaq Stockholm.


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