NCC acquires its current head office in Solna

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NCC is acquiring the properties Startboxen 1 and Sadelplatsen 2 in the City of Solna for a purchase consideration of SEK 415 million. The seller is Morgan Stanley P2 Value fund and takeover will occur on December 7, 2011. Startboxen 1 comprises 23,500 square meters of office space and the parking garage Sadelplatsen 2 consists of 750 parking spaces.

The transaction will be implemented as an acquisition of the property and the purchase consideration will be SEK 415 million, including transaction costs. Payment and takeover will occur on December 7, 2011, with Morgan Stanley P2 Value as the selling party. Office space in the property totals 23,500 square meters, most of which is leased by NCC itself as the Group’s head office.

NCC has had its offices on this site since the company’s formation and views the acquisition as the starting point for exciting development of the area. NCC intends to develop the properties up to a modern standard, with a focus on energy efficiency.

“As a result of the acquisition, we make sure that we can remain in Solna and it gives us an opportunity to modernize our head office. The transaction provides us, in cooperation with the City of Solna, with excellent prerequisites to secure the positive development of this strategically located area,” says Peter Wågström, President and CEO of NCC.

For further information, please contact:
Peter Wågström, President and Chief Executive Officer, NCC AB, Telephone:  +46 (8) 585 530 40

Joachim Hallengren, President, NCC Property Development, Telephone: +46 (0)70 6439568

NCC’s media line+46 (0) 8 585 519 00, E-mail:

This is the type of information that NCC could be obligated to disclose pursuant to the Securities Market Act. The information was issued for publication on December 7, 2011, at 2.00 p.m.

All of NCC’s press releases are available on

NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the Nordic region. NCC had in 2010 sales of fully SEK 49 billion, with 17,000 employees.


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