NCC best employer in construction industry

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NCC has been ranked the best employer in the construction industry and number eight among all the companies in Sweden. A comprehensive survey of 22,000 graduate employees aged between 25 and 65 years shows that NCC’s employees regard the company as an excellent employer that offers favorable development opportunities.

The survey, called Attrack Professionals, was conducted by Universum and ranks the motivation and job satisfaction among graduate employees of Swedish companies. The survey was conducted in cooperation with the Swedish Association of Business Administration Graduates, the Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers, Shortcut, Computer Sweden and Affärsvärlden. NCC ranked eighth in fierce competition with many significantly larger Swedish companies. The ranking shows that NCC’s graduate employees are satisfied with the opportunities to influence their work, duties and management. Of the ten parameters that were surveyed, NCC consistently received a ranking of good or very good. “New employees within NCC are given considerable responsibility at an early stage. In view of the number of employees who will soon retire, the development opportunities are fantastic, and new employees are quickly given a chance to take part in and manage major projects,” says Mats Pettersson, HT Manager at NCC Construction in Sweden. Within NCC, personnel development and health and safety matters are assigned high priority. In the past ten years, the number of occupational accidents has been halved and currently amounts to 8.4 accidents per million hours worked. The next step is to yet again halve the number of occupational accidents – but this time by the end of 2007. Few accidents and lowest sickness absence in construction industry For many years, ten work environment engineers and 120 “wellness inspirers” have focused systematically on preventive healthcare at construction sites. This has resulted in average sickness absence of 4 percent, compared with an average of more than 5 percent for all Swedish listed companies. “NCC has the lowest sickness absence and the best accident statistics in the construction industry. It is the actual results that count. All companies can author ambitious policies, but without the resources to implement them, no progress can be made,” says Mats Pettersson. For further information, please contact: Ulf Thorné, Press Relations Manager, NCC Group, +46 8 585 523 46, +46 70 214 77 27




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