NCC’s Annual General Meeting on April 11

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NCC’s Annual General Meeting resolved to pay an ordinary cash dividend of SEK 8 per share and an extraordinary dividend of SEK 10 per share. The Meeting also authorized the Board to repurchase NCC shares.

NCC’s President and Chief Executive Officer’s Olle Ehrlén summarized the past year with the following words:

“Construction investments rose by slightly more than 6 percent and demand for housing, civil engineering projects and retail premises remained robust. From NCC’s viewpoint, 2006 was an exceptionally good year, largely because of the boom conditions prevailing throughput the Nordic region. The outlook for 2007 is positive, although we do not expect growth to be as strong as it was in 2006. According to our estimates, the market will grow by about 3 percent this year.”

NCC’s Annual General Meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to pay an ordinary cash dividend of SEK 8 per share plus an extraordinary dividend of SEK 10 per share. The record date for receipt of dividends was set at April 16. Accordingly, the dividends are scheduled to be sent from VPC (securities register center) on April 19.

“As a result of the excellent trend in 2006, there is also scope for us to fulfill our dividend policy of distributing at least half of after-tax earnings to the shareholders,” says Olle Ehrlén.

In accordance with a motion from the Nomination Committee, the Meeting re-elected Antonia Ax:son Johnson, Tomas Billing, Ulf Holmlund, Fredrik Lundberg, Anders Rydin and Marcus Storch to the Board, with Tomas Billing as Chairman of the Board.

The Meeting re-elected Viveca Ax:son Johnson (chairman), Ulf Lundahl and Mats Lagerqvist as members of the Nomination Committee.

The Meeting authorized the Board, prior to the next Annual General Meeting, to repurchase a maximum of 10 percent of the total number of NCC shares. The shares are to be purchased on the Stockholm Stock Exchange at prices within the registered span of share prices at each particular purchase occasion. The reasons for the repurchases are to provide the Board with an opportunity to adjust the Company’s capital structure.

At the statutory meeting of the Board of Directors held directly after the Annual General Meeting, Fredrik Lundberg was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board. It was also decided, based on the authorization received from the Meeting, to repurchase a maximum of 10 percent of the total number of NCC shares.

For further information, please contact:
Annica Gerentz, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications, NCC AB,
+46 (0) 70 398 42 09


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