NCC’s Annual General Meeting on April 5

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NCC’s Annual General Meeting resolved to pay an ordinary cash dividend of SEK 5.50 per share and an extraordinary dividend of SEK 10.00 per share. The Meeting also authorized the Board to repurchase NCC shares. The KPMG Bohlins AB firm of accountants was elected the Company’s auditor.

The trend in the construction and real estate sector was described in President and Chief Executive Officer’s Alf Göransson’s address to the Meeting: “The Nordic construction market is developing well and so are we. We expect growth of 3–4 percent this year.” Alf Göransson also reported on how NCC intends to contribute to changes in the construction industry. “The construction industry must become increasingly industrialized to achieve sustainable improvements in productivity and thus reverse the negative cost trend. On April 25, Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson will open NCC’s pioneering residential construction factory in Hallstahammar, in which NCC has industrialized the construction process by applying the leading-edge production technology used in the manufacturing industry.” In his address, the background to the increased dividend was also explained: “NCC achieved all of its financial objectives in 2005 and reported an 18 percent return on equity after tax. The Group’s net indebtedness was also further reduced and, as a result of a positive cash flow, the Group was virtually debt free at the end of 2005. Accordingly, the improved financial position provided scope for paying the extraordinary dividend to the shareholders.” NCC’s Annual General Meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to pay an ordinary cash dividend of SEK 5.50 per share plus an extraordinary dividend of SEK 10.00 per share. The record date for receipt of dividends was set at April 10. Accordingly, the dividends are scheduled to be sent from VPC (securities register center) on April 13. The Meeting authorized the Board, prior to the next Annual General Meeting, to repurchase a maximum of 10 percent of the total number of NCC shares. The shares are to be purchased on the Stockholm Stock Exchange at prices within the registered span of share prices at each particular purchase occasion. The reasons for the repurchases are to provide the Board with an opportunity to adjust the Company’s capital structure and to cover the Company’s commitments under the options program for senior NCC executives. The Company currently owns 0.4 percent of the total number of issued NCC shares. With the support of the authorization, the Company will be able to repurchase a further 9.6 percent. The Meeting resolved to prematurely terminate the assignment of the Company’s auditors and deputy auditors, all of whom are Authorized Public Accountants from KPMG Bohlins AB. Instead, the registered accounting firm KPMG Bohlins AB was appointed auditor of the Company for the remaining term of office up to the end of the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2008. In conjunction with the election of KPMG Bohlins AB as auditor, Authorized Public Accountant Per Bergman was appointed auditor in charge. In accordance with a motion from the Nomination Committee, the Meeting re-elected Antonia Ax:son Johnson, Tomas Billing, Alf Göransson, Ulf Holmlund, Fredrik Lundberg, Anders Rydin and Marcus Storch to the Board, with Tomas Billing as Chairman of the Board. The Meeting re-elected Viveca Ax:son Johnson, Johan Björkman (chairman), Ulf Lundahl and Mats Lagerqvist as member of the Nomination Committee. At the statutory meeting of the Board of Directors held directly after the Annual General Meeting, Fredrik Lundberg was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board. It was also decided, based on the authorization received from the Meeting, to repurchase a maximum of 10 percent of the total number of NCC shares. For further information, please contact: Annica Gerentz, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications, NCC AB, +46 8 585 522 04, +46 70 392 42 09


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