NCC’s Annual Report available at

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NCC’s Swedish Annual Report for 2011 is now available at

A printout is also available at NCC AB’s Head Office, Vallgatan 3, Solna.

 The English-language Annual Report for 2011 will be available on as of March 16.

 In a printed format, the Swedish Annual Report will be available at NCC AB’s Head Office as of March 19 (Annual Report in English as of March 23). The distribution of printed copies of the Swedish Annual Report 2011 will commence March 19.

 In addition to the website, a printed Annual Report can be ordered by e-mailing, writing to NCC AB, SE-170 80 Solna or calling NCC AB at +46-8-585 510 00.

All of NCC’s press releases are available on

NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the Nordic region. NCC had in 2011 sales of SEK 53 billion, with 17,500 employees.