NCC’s Annual Report available at

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NCC’s Swedish Annual Report for 2008 is now available at A paper printout is also available at NCC AB’s Head Office, Vallgatan 3, Solna.

The English-language Annual Report for 2008 will be available on as of March 26.

In a printed format, the Swedish Annual Report will be available at NCC AB’s Head Office as of March 23 (Annual Report in English as of April 3).

A printed Annual Report can be ordered by e-mailing, writing to NCC AB, SE-170 80 Solna, calling NCC AB at +46-8-585 510 00 or faxing NCC at +46-8-85 77 75.

For further information, please contact:
Lovisa Lagerström Lantz, Acting Press Relations Manager, NCC Group, +46 (0)8 585 523 46, +46 (0)70 592 45 46


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