NCC’s safety initiatives reducing the number of accidents

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Since 2018, the number of serious accidents and incidents has fallen by 38 percent at NCC, clearly demonstrating that the Group’s systematic safety initiatives have yielded results. For the twelfth consecutive year, Awareness Day is being organized today at all of NCC’s workplaces to shine the spotlight on health and safety.

Image: "Time Out” is a method that encourages employees to down tools when they experience unsafe situations.

At 9:00 a.m. on the first Wednesday in September, work at all of NCC’s workplaces in the Nordic region will break for the Group’s annual Awareness Day. The day will focus on health and safety with employees discussing attitudes, behavior and what safety culture should apply in order to contribute to NCC’s target of reducing all types of accidents and completely eliminating serious incidents and fatal accidents.

Over the past four years, the number of serious accidents and incidents has fallen by 38 percent at NCC. Systematic data collection concerning accidents and close calls and a high level of employee commitment have improved these statistics and employee awareness, and have enabled targeted measures to be taken.

“NCC has one of the best work environments in the construction industry, but this work must always continue and develop. We work systematically in many areas to reduce all kinds of accidents, ranging from behavior, leadership, reporting and analysis to improved planning, safety procedures and tools,” says Lars-Gunnar Larsson, Head of Health and Safety, NCC Group.

This year’s Awareness Day will carry the theme “Time Out”. “Time Out” is a simple method that encourages employees to down tools when they experience unsafe situations. By watching out for one another and speaking up when something feels wrong or risky, serious and potentially fatal incidents can be eliminated.

“When we are faced with pressure we improvise, tend to forget to evaluate risks and are often willing to accept more risk than is necessary. Time Out is a simple tool and we want everyone to react and act appropriately when faced with risky situations and unsafe conditions. As such, we are placing extra focus on this for this year’s Awareness Day,” says Lars Gunnar Larsson.

Awareness Day was held for the first time in 2011, and the Time Out tool was introduced in 2014. Since 2017, daily safety briefings have been conducted before the day’s operations at all of NCC’s construction sites.

For further information, please contact:
Tove Stål, Head of Group External Relations, NCC, +46 76 521 61 02

NCC’s media line: +46 8 585 519 00,, NCC’s Media bank

About NCC. NCC is one of the leading construction companies in the Nordics. Based on its expertise in managing complex construction processes, NCC contributes to the positive impact of construction for its customers and society. Operations include commercial property development, building and infrastructure project contracting, and asphalt and stone materials production. In 2021, NCC had sales of SEK 53 bn and 13,000 employees. NCC’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.