NCC secures power plant order worth SEK 300 million

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NCC Construction Sweden has been commissioned to construct a power plant in Hissmofors, 20 km northwest of Östersund. The client is the municipal electricity company Jämtkraft. The assignment will be registered among orders during the first quarter of 2011. The order is worth approximately SEK 300 million.

Work on the project will commence on March 1, 2011 and the Hissmofors VI power plant is scheduled for completion on October 31, 2013. The existing power plant is to be demolished and a new one built.

“Since it is not every day that new power plants are constructed, it is gratifying that we are a company that possesses the necessary competence,” says Richard Mattsson, Business Manager at NCC Construction Sweden, Norrland Region.

“The hydroelectric power plant in Hissmofors is the base for Jämtkraft’s current production and it is essential that it functions well and is in good condition, both today and in the future. Now that it is to be modernized, we feel secure in the knowledge that we will be cooperating with NCC, a competent and reliable partner,” says Tommy Borgh, responsible for electricity production at Jämtkraft.

Jämtkraft has asked NCC to produce a climate declaration showing the amount of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases that the project will emit. NCC will also set up what it calls a “green establishment,” which includes the use of portable cabins with better insulation and reviewing electricity consumption.

“Jämtkraft is constructing a sixth-generation power plant in Hissmofors, which will ensure sustainable development and renewable production for many decades ahead,” says Tommy Borgh.

It is estimated that about 50 people will be employed in the project.

For more information, please contact:
Richard Mattsson, Business Manager, NCC Construction, Norrland region, +46 (0)63 240 68
Magnus Jonsson, External Communications and Media Relations Manager, NCC AB, +46 (0)8 585 522 46, +46 (0)70 817 8711

NCC’s media line: +46 (0)8-585 519 00

The information is such that NCC AB is obligated to publish pursuant to the Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication on February 3, 2011 at 12:00 CET.

All of NCC’s press releases are available on

NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the Nordic region. NCC had sales of SEK 52 billion in 2009, with 18,000 employees. NCC Construction Sweden constructs residential and office properties, roads, civil-engineering structures and other infrastructure in Sweden.


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