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  • NCC to build multi-purpose arena in Kristianstad for approximately SEK 195 million

NCC to build multi-purpose arena in Kristianstad for approximately SEK 195 million

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NCC Construction Sverige has been commissioned to build a new multi-purpose arena in Kristianstad. The client is Specialfastigheter I Kristianstad AB, a subsidiary to the municipally owned AB Kristianstadsbyggen.
The order value is about SEK 195 million, and the project is being carried out as a partnering project.

The project comprises the new construction of a multi-purpose arena with accompanying areas for sports, music and trade fairs. The arena will be linked to the existing sports center, and when completed it will comprise almost 12,000 square meters, divided among three levels. The audience capacity will be about 4,500 people for sporting events and about 5,000 for concerts.

- We have moved from people’s parks and concert halls as meeting places to today’s multi-functional facilities that offer a wide range and high-class comfort with a total experience for the entire family. We are proud to be part of this trend, says Gunnar Masthagen, Regional Manager, NCC Construction Southern region.

- From the beginning, the whole project has been characterized by innovation and new technology, and throughout the entire process, we will work using three-dimensional models. Providing all partners with the opportunity to supplement and refine the plans is extremely valuable for the whole project, explains Gunnar Masthagen.

The project will be planned and carried out using the construction information model BIM. Working in a format such as BIM increases the amount of information, which entails that decisions and possible corrections can be based on a greater volume of information. Accordingly, the project can be planned and managed more efficiently.

The planning efforts will begin in January, and construction will start before the summer. The arena is scheduled to be completed in the autumn of 2010, in good time for the world championship in handball. The project will employ a maximum of about 100 people.
The order value will be registered during the first quarter of 2009.

For further information, please contact:
Lovisa Lagerström Lantz, Acting Press Relations Manager, NCC Group, +46 (0)70 592 45 46


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