NCC to build out Oslo Gardermoen Airport for SEK 475 million

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NCC Construction Norway has signed an agreement with Oslo Lufthavn AS for foundation engineering and concrete work at Gardermoen Airport for a total of approximately SEK 475 million, which will be registered among orders in the first quarter of 2012. The work is scheduled to continue for three years and is a phase in the expansion of the Gardermoen Airport.

Gardermoen is beginning to reach its capacity ceiling and will be expanded with a new pier, thus expanding arrival and departure halls to increase capacity. NCC’s contract pertains to the expansion of the Sentralbygning Vest (Central Building West).

NCC secured the construction contract on the basis of several criteria, of which NCC’s extensive expertise in concrete work was central, together with a reliable and realistic schedule and excellent proposals for technical execution, as well as its solutions for logistics and cooperation with other contractors during the project.

NCC’s focus on environment-friendly offerings also had an impact, including the fact that all NCC’s construction sites in Norway, since January 1, 2012, are green construction sites whereby the work places are subject to rigorous environmental demands, including the use of energy-efficient solutions and efficient waste management.

NCC Construction Norway has had several assignments at the Gardermoen Airport since 1994 and thus understands that it is a complicated construction site in terms of both the environment and safety/security.

Work will commence in April 2012 and is scheduled to continue until February 2015.

For further information, please contact:
Terje Stachnik Hansen, Media Relations Manager for NCC Construction Norway, + 47 992 16 785

Magnus Jonsson, External Communication and Media Relations Manager, NCC AB, +46 (0)8 585 52246

NCC’s press telephone: +46 (0)8-585 519 00,

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NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the Nordic region. In 2011, NCC had sales of more than SEK 53 billion, with 17,500 employees. NCC Construction Norway constructs housing offices, roads, civil engineering and other infrastructure in Norway.


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