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  • NCC to build terminal for Hurtigrutten in Bergen for SEK 98 million

NCC to build terminal for Hurtigrutten in Bergen for SEK 98 million

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NCC to build terminal for Hurtigrutten in Bergen for SEK 98 million NCC Construction in Norway has concluded an agreement with Bergen og Omland Havnevesen (Bergen's harbor authority) regarding the construction of a new passenger terminal in Jekteviken, Bergen, for Norway's Hurtigrutten coastal shipping line. The order is worth approximately SEK 98 million (NOK 90 million). In addition to the passenger terminal, the project comprises the construction of large cold-storage facilities, a travel agency and offices. The project will consist of 11,300 square meters of floor space and NCC will be the main contractor. The Hurtigrutten terminal will be a modern building with a brick and aluminum façade. Only high-quality materials will be used. Construction will commence at the end of June and the project is scheduled for completion in November 2004. At most, about 100 employees will be engaged in the project. "NCC has previously built quays in the area, which makes it even more gratifying that the company has also been commissioned as the main contractor for this large-scale assignment in the Jekteviken region," says NCC District Manager Trygve Moe. For further information, please contact: Trygve Moe, District Manager NCC Construction AS Tel +47 55 59 98 37 or +47 918 37 413 Gisela Lindstrand, Press Relations Manager NCC AB Tel +46 8 585 52346 or +46 70 392 9500 Øyvind Kvaal, kommunikationschef NCC Construction AS, tel +47 22 98 69 34 or +47 900 76 910 All of NCC's press releases are available on www.ncc.info NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the Nordic region. NCC had in 2002 sales of SEK 45 billion, with 25,000 employees. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/06/19/20030619BIT00460/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/06/19/20030619BIT00460/wkr0002.pdf
