NCC to construct E4 bridges in Rotebro

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NCC Construction Sweden has been commissioned to demolish and replace two existing bridges that cross the railway at Rotebro, in Sollentuna municipality. The client is the Swedish Transport Administration and the order value is approximately SEK 325 M. Construction is scheduled to commence in February 2011.

The E4 Highway, both northbound and southbound, cross the bridges. A challenge will be to demolish and replace the bridges while allowing road and railway traffic to pass the worksite with as little disruptions as possible.

NCC has a method where the new eastern bridge will be constructed in a provisional location and used as a temporary detour during the construction period. After this, the existing western bridge will be demolished and replaced by a new one. Further, the existing eastern bridge will also be demolished and the new eastern bridge will be pushed into its permanent position. In this manner, there will be two separate bridges throughout the majority of the construction period, each with three lanes where road-users will be able to pass.

”We have chosen a solution that provides more uniform traffic rhythm, less exhaust fumes and noise since the risk for queues will decrease,” says Sören Backlund, Business Manager of NCC Construction, Region Stockholm/Mälardalen.

During the two summer weeks, when the bridge has been pushed aside, road users will be able to pass using two lanes in each direction, with a speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

The construction will occupy an average of 45 people and the project is scheduled for completion during the spring of 2014. The order will be registered in the first quarter of 2011.

For more questions, please contact:
Sören Backlund, Business Manager, NCC Construction Sweden, Region Stockholm/Mälardalen, +46 (0) 21 10 55 85
Magnus Jonsson, Press Officer,  NCC AB, +46 (0)8 585 523 46, +46 (0)70 817 87 11

NCC:s presstelefon: 08-585 519 00

This is the type of information that NCC could be obligated to disclose pursuant to the Securities Market Act. The information was issued for publication on Febraury 1, 2011, at 1 p.m..

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NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the Nordic region. NCC had sales of SEK 52 billion in 2009, with 18,000 employees. NCC Construction Sweden constructs residential and office properties, roads, civil-engineering structures and other infrastructure in Sweden.


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