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  • NCC to construct forensic psychiatric care facility in Gothenburg for SEK 500 million

NCC to construct forensic psychiatric care facility in Gothenburg for SEK 500 million

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NCC Construction Sweden has been commissioned to construct a new forensic psychiatric care facility in Olofstorp, 15 kilometers north-east of Gothenburg, Sweden. The client is Västfastigheter and the order value is slightly more than SEK 500 million.

The building comprises premises for emergency care, rehabilitation, activities and administration. In addition to the buildings, NCC will also design a park and walking area totaling 16 hectares. The 20,000-square-meter care facility comprises three sections with capacity for 96 patients. The modern activity center will offer, for example, training opportunities and will also house workshops for carpentry, ceramics and crafts. The assignment also includes a section for administration, research, training and personnel facilities. NCC’s experience of cost-efficient construction of forensic psychiatric care facilities, hospitals and prisons was highly significant in the procurement process. “We will use virtual four-dimensional construction, 4D, in our planning from the beginning and have excellent logistics solutions to facilitate efficient construction,” says Marcus Bramer, Business Manager at NCC Construction, Region West. Another way by which to maintain the schedule and reduce costs is a high degree of prefabrication. This means that large portions of the construction will include prefabricated elements. Decontamination of the land will commence immediately and the entire care facility is scheduled for completion in March 2012. The order registration will occur in the first quarter of 2010.


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