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  • NCC to construct Highway 34 between Glahytt and Målilla, Småland, for approximately SEK 230 million

NCC to construct Highway 34 between Glahytt and Målilla, Småland, for approximately SEK 230 million

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NCC Construction has been commissioned to rebuild and expand Highway 34 between Glahytt and Målilla, 30 kilometers west of Oskarshamn. In total, the project comprises 18 kilometers of highway. NCC will be the turnkey contractor for the project and the client is the Swedish Road Administration. The order is worth approximately SEK 230 million.

Highway 34 is a regional highway that traverses Kalmar county from Ålem in Mönsterås to Vimmerby and then continues north through Östergötland to Linköping. The road is an important part of the transport system for such commodities as timber products.

On the section of highway between Glahytt, about ten kilometers north of Högsby, and Stora Aby near Rosenfors, approximately four kilometers south of Målilla, the existing road, with certain exceptions, is of a low standard.

One part of the section of the highway will be expanded into a divided county road with a guardrail in the middle. Near Glahytt, a rotary intersection will be constructed to replace the existing three-way stop between Highways 23 and 34. Near the rotary intersection, a mini-terminal for buses and a parking lot for carpooling will also be built. The project also includes the construction of four bridges.

– Parts of the highway 34 are extremely neglected and it is good for the region that the Government’s infrastructure program will result in a tangible improvement in such a short space of time, says Tor Wolgast, Business Manager at NCC Construction Region South.

As turnkey contractor, NCC will plan and construct the road. Construction is expected to begin on May 1 and is scheduled to be completed before the end of 2010. The project will employ a total of about 100 people.
The order value will be registered during the first quarter of 2009.

For further information, please contact:
Lovisa Lagerström Lantz, Acting Press Relations Manager, NCC Group, +46 (0)8 585 523 46, +46 (0)70 592 45 46


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