NCC to construct Manglerud Swim Center in Oslo

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NCC Building has commenced the construction of Manglerud Swim and Activity Center on behalf of Undervisningsbygg KF. On May 6 this year, the Oslo City Council approved the commencement of the construction. The order value is approximately NOK 385 million.

Illustration: Asplan Viak  

“We are looking forward to commencing construction of this facility, which in addition to three swimming pools will provide space for a number of leisure activities. Together with the developer and its advisers, we have developed a project that I am certain will be greatly appreciated by the residents of the city,” says Roger Nygård, Head of NCC Building Norway.

NCC:s swimming facilities experience and expertise were key in being awarded the contract. NCC established its venture into the area of swimming facilities in 2005 and offers a well-tested concept comprising solutions, suppliers and sub-contractors alongside in-house specialist project managers, skilled workers and tradesmen.

“At the planning stage, we jointly worked on identifying the best solutions that would meet the aims of the City, focusing on costs, cost control and quality,” says Gunnar Ulvestad, District Manager and Head of NCC’s swimming facilities program in Norway.

The Manglerud Swim Center is a turnkey contract with collaboration throughout the project. Strict environmental requirements will be imposed throughout the construction period, for example, the construction site will have zero emissions and the swim center will be built according to the passive building standard.

The project is scheduled for completion in June 2022 and will be recognized in the order book for the NCC Building Nordics business area in the second quarter of 2020.

For further information, please contact:
Anna Rasin, Group Media Relations, NCC, tel +46 72 242 70 97
NCC’s media line +46 (0)8 585 519 00, E-mail:, NCC's Media bank

About NCC. Our vision is to renew our industry and provide superior sustainable solutions. NCC is one of the leading companies in the Nordics within construction, infrastructure and property development, with sales of approximately SEK 58 billion and 15,500 employees in 2019. The NCC share is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm.



