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  • NCC to construct radiotherapy clinic in Uppsala for SEK 470 million

NCC to construct radiotherapy clinic in Uppsala for SEK 470 million

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NCC Construction Sweden will construct the Nordic region’s first clinic for advanced radiotherapy using proton treatment in Uppsala, Sweden. The customer is Akademiska Hus and the construction contract is valued at SEK 470 million. The project is being conducted as a partnership between NCC and Akademiska Hus.

The building will be about 13,500 square meters and will comprise such sections as a treatment facility, clinic, patient hotel with about 90 rooms and a restaurant.

“The technology and equipment being deployed at the clinic requires advanced construction technology and considerable craftsmanship. Our visualization program, which features the construction documents in 3D, clearly shows the building’s design and construction process. It facilitates the collaboration between all parties,” says Johan Wiberg, Construction Manager at NCC Construction, Stockholm/Mälardalen Region.

The Skandion Clinic is the first of its kind in the Nordic region. Instead of traditional radiotherapy using X-ray radiation or electron radiation, treatments at the Skandion Clinic will use protons. The building is custom designed for the clinic’s operation, with features including 3.5-meter thick walls in the treatment ward.

The project is being conducted under a cooperative contract known as partnering at NCC. This is a structured collaboration format in which the developer, consultants and contractors collectively solve the construction assignment. The method is based on an open and trusting collaboration where the partners’ professional skills complement each other through all the phases of the project.

“The Skandion Clinic is a major project with a precise schedule, which requires a proactive and intense partnership. The partnering project with NCC, where everyone is involved from the start of the process, facilitates the management of the project,” says Tomas Nilsson, Project Manager at Akademiska Hus.

The project will commence in June 2011 and is scheduled for completion in May 2014. It will create employment for about 75 people. The order will be registered during the second quarter of 2011.

For further information, please contact:
Johan Wiberg, Construction Manager, Construction Sweden, Stockholm/Mälardalen Region Telephone + 46 18 16 15 83
Magnus Jonsson, External Communications and Media Relations Manager, NCC AB Telephone +46 8 585 522 46

NCC’s media line, +46 (0)8-585 519 00, E-mail press@ncc.se

The information is such that NCC AB is obligated to publish pursuant to the Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication on June 9, 2011, at. 10.30 a.m.

All of NCC’s press releases are available on www.ncc.se.

NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the Nordic region. NCC had sales of SEK 49 billion in 2010, with 17,000 employees. NCC Construction Sweden constructs residential and office properties, roads, civil-engineering structures and other infrastructure in Sweden.


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