NCC to exercise mandate to buy back shares

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The Board of Directors of NCC AB confirms its decision to exercise the mandate for the buyback of shares that it received from the Annual General Meeting on April 4, 2012.

In order to covercommitments under LTI 2012 (long-term performance-based incentive program),the Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors, during the period up to the next Annual General Meeting, to buy back not more than 867,486 Series B shares.

The shares are to be bought back on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm exchange at a price per share that is within the registered band of share prices at the time of the purchase.

NCC has a total of 108,435,822 registered shares, of which 30,633,825 are Series A shares and 77,801,997 are Series B shares. The company has no shares held in treasury.

For further information, pleasecontact:
Ulf Thorné, Acting SVP Corporate Communications NCC AB, +46 (0)8 585 523 46, +46 (0)70 214 77 27
Johan Bergman, Investor Relations Manager, NCC AB, +46 (0)8 585 523 53, +46 (0)70 354 80 35

NCC’s media line: +46 8585  519 00; e-mail:

This is the type of information that NCC could be obligated to disclose pursuant to the Securities Market Act. The information was issued for publication on April 27, 2012, at 14.00 CET.

All of NCC:s press releases are available on

NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the Nordic region. NCC had in 2011 sales of SEK 53 billion, with 17,500 employees.


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