Year-end report 2006

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• Net sales increased to SEK 55,876 M (49,506).

• Profit after financial items improved to SEK 2,263 M (1,580).

• Profit after taxes amounted to SEK 1,708 M (1,187).

• Earnings per share after dilution totaled SEK 15.74 (10.86).

• The Board of Directors propeses a dividend of SEK 8.00 (5.50) per share, plus an extraordinary dividend of SEK 10.00 (10.00) per share, making a totalt of SEK 18.00 (15.50) per share.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Financial Director Ann-Sofie Danielsson (Tel: +46 (0)8 585 517 17, or +46 (0)70 674 07 20)
Senior Vice President Corporate Communications Annica Gerentz (Tel: +46 (0)8 585 522 04, or +46 (0)70 398 42 09).


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