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Further to the announcement issued by DiaGenic ASA on 29 May 2009 regarding the appointment of Singer Capital Markets Limited as financial adviser and a contemplated fundraising in the international equity market, DiaGenic today announces that bridge financing has been put in place through a firm placing of 2.5 million shares at a subscription price of NOK 3.74 per share. The Board of Directors of DiaGenic has on 8 July 2009 approved a firm placing of 2.5 million new shares (corresponding to 4.8 % of existing shares of the company) at a subscription price of NOK 3.74 per share. The total gross proceeds from the firm placing equal NOK 9.35 million. The shares were placed, with major shareholders, management, Board of Directors and with one new institutional investor. Following registration of the new shares issued in the firm placing, the number of shares in DiaGenic will increase from 51,736,520 to 54,236,520 each with a par value of NOK 0.05, and the share capital will increase from NOK 2,586,826, to NOK 2,711,826. Oslo, 8_July, 2009 DiaGenic ASA Håkon Sæterøy, Chairman Telephone: +47 92695175 e-mail: MD PhD Erik Christensen, Managing Director Telephone: +47 95939918 e-mail:
