DiaGenic ASA: Annual overview

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According to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act, section 5-11, issuers of listed transferable securities are required to provide Oslo Stock Exchange with an annual statement of information made available to the public. Attached is annual overview for DiaGenic ASA for the period 1 April 2010 to 29 April 2011.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements according to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)


Erik Christensen, CEO

Telephone: 47 95939918

e-mail: erik.christensen@diagenic.com

About DiaGenic ASA

DiaGenic is an innovative Norwegian biotechnology company that seeks to create value for patients, partners, and investors by developing new and more patient friendly methods for early detection of diseases. DiaGenic is currently a world leader in analyzing gene expression signatures related to disease in easily available clinical samples such as peripheral blood. This unique method is based on the principle that even when a disease is localized at a specific part of the body, secondary responses, which are also characteristic of the disease, can be measured in other parts of the body. DiaGenic has developed and CE marked two blood based diagnostic tests, BCtect® for early breast cancer detection and ADtect® for early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease. The company protects its technology through an extensive patent portfolio. DiaGenic promotes its products towards leading pharmaceutical and imaging companies, and towards clinicians. DiaGenic is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. For more information visit www.diagenic.com


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