Information regarding matching halt in the DiaGenic share

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An important strategic focus area for DiaGenic is to supply biomarkers for the pharmaceutical industry e.g. as presented in the Annual Report for 2009. Reference is made to the Annual Report for 2009 page 19: “The use of ADtect® as a cost effective tool in clinical studies for the development of new Alzheimer’s disease medicines has been presented to major pharmaceutical companies.” An internal working document regarding one such meeting with a leading pharmaceutical player was unfortunately made public through a web application used by one of our advisors. The working paper does not contain any confidential information, but regrettably gives information concerning a meeting held with a leading pharmaceutical company. The company has instructed our advisor not to use this particular type of web application for work related to DiaGenic. Contact: Erik Christensen MD PhD, CEO
Tel.: +47 95939918
