Norwegian Research Council Names DiaGenic "Most Innovative Company of the Year”

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DiaGenic ASA has received the Norwegian Research Council's prestigious "Most Innovative Company of the Year" award. The award is set to encourage business and industry to increased research and development by making innovative companies more visible. The award is determined by a panel of more than 1,000 business leaders of which DiaGenic received a predominant share of the votes. "We are enormously proud of this award from the Norwegian Research Council," said MD PhD Erik Christensen, CEO of DiaGenic ASA. "12 years of Research and Development has transformed DiaGenic’s co-founders Praveen Sharma and Anders Lönneborg invention into commercial products which offer imminent help to improve quality of life for so many people." Contact person: Erik Christensen, CEO Telephone: + 47 95939918 E-mail: About DiaGenic ASA DiaGenic is an innovative Norwegian biotechnology company that seeks to create value for patients, partners, and investors by developing new and more patient friendly methods for early detection of diseases. DiaGenic is currently a world leader in analyzing gene expression signatures related to disease in easily available clinical samples such as peripheral blood. This unique method is based on the principle that even when a disease is localized at a specific part of the body, secondary responses, which are also characteristic of the disease, can be measured in other parts. Significant potential in numerous diseases such as breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease has been identified. The company has been granted patents in the U.S. and Europe. DiaGenic is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. For more information visit
