Notice of Annual General Meeting in DiaGenic ASA

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The Board of directors of DiaGenic ASA (the “Company”) hereby summons for the annual general meeting.

Time:   23 May 2011 at 10:00 hours (CET)

Place:   Grenseveien 92, Oslo, Norway


  1. Opening of the meeting by chairman of the Board Henrik Lund, including registration of shareholders present
  2. Election of chairman of the meeting and a person to co-sign the minutes
  3. Approval of notice and agenda of the General Meeting
  4. Approval of the Financial Statements and the Annual Report for 2010, including allocation of earnings
  5. Approval of the statement by the Board regarding remuneration principles to the management
  6. Approval of the auditor’s fee
  7. Election of the new Board of directors
  8. Approval of remuneration to the Board of directors
  9. Approval of the fees to the members of the Nomination Committee
  10. Election of members of the Nomination Committee
  11.  Reverse share split
  12. Proposal to authorise the Board of directors to conduct capital increases for the purpose of strategic partnerships by way of share issue
  13. Proposal for incentive programme
  14. Deadline for summons to extraordinary general meeting

To item 7 on the agenda:

The election committee propose to re-elect Henrik Lund as Chairman of the Board and to re-elect Ingrid Wiik and Gustav Ingemar Kihlström as board members. The election committee propose to elect Ulrica Slåne and Tom Pike as new members of the Board.

Brief presentation of the proposed new members of the Board:

 Ulrica Slåne currently holds a position as head of life science investments at AP3, The third National Swedish Pension Fund. She is also at the board of the listed company Karolinska Development, based in Stockholm. Slåne holds a B Sc in Finance and Business Administration from Stockholm School of Economics and has also studied Physiology and Pharmacology at the Karolinska Institute. Prior to her position as fund manager, Slåne spent ten years as a financial analyst for the Life Science sector at various investment banks.

Tom Pike is actively involved with a number of life science companies and organizations in the capacity of consultant and/or board member. His past experience ranges from Chairman & CEO of Clavis Pharma ASA, a public oncology drug development company to Partner of the venture capital group NeoMed Management and more than 18 years’ experience as CEO, sales and marketing director, business alliance manager and other positions at Hoffmann-La Roche in Switzerland and Norway. He has served on the board (past Chairman) of the Norwegian Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers for six years. Pike is a Norwegian and British citizen and holds a B.Sc. Honours in Pharmacology.

Shareholders who cannot participate at the general meeting in person may authorize the chairman of the Board or another person to vote for their shares, with or without voting instructions, by using the proxy form attached to the Notice for the Annual General Meeting. The written proxy form, dated and signed, may be sent to DiaGenic ASA c/o DnB NOR Bank ASA, Verdipapirservice, NO-0021 Oslo, Norway, or per fax +47 22 48 11 71. Web-based registration of the proxy is also available, through “Investortjenester”, a service provided to the individual investor by most Norwegian registrars. The reference number is required for registration. Online registration is not available for registration of voting instructions. If the shareholder is a company, please attach the shareholder’s certificate of registration to the proxy. The proxy form must be received by DnB NOR Bank Verdipapirservice no later than 19 May 2011 at 16:00 CET.

The annual financial statements, the Director's report and the auditor's statement are enclosed in the Annual Report which was sent to Oslo Stock Exchange in a notice of 28 April. Information regarding the ordinary general meeting,including this notice with attachments is available at the Company's website

Oslo, 2 May 2011

On behalf of the Board of directors of DiaGenic ASA

Henrik Lund, Chairman of the Board

Telephone: +47 909 71 219



Erik Christensen, CEO

Telephone: +47 95939918



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