Notice of Annual General Meeting in DiaGenic ASA

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The Board of directors of DiaGenic ASA (the “Company”) hereby summons for the annual general meeting.

Time:   26 June 2012 at 13:00 hours (CET)

Place:   Grenseveien 92, Oslo, Norway


  1. Opening of the meeting by the acting chairman of the Board Ingrid Wiik, including registration of shareholders present
  2. Election of chairman of the meeting and a person to co-sign the minutes
  3. Approval of notice and agenda of the general meeting
  4. Approval of the annual accounts and the Board of directors’ report for the financial year 2011 and presentation of the Company’s corporate governance review for 2011
  5. The Board of directors’ declaration on salary and other remuneration to the executive management
  6. Remuneration to the auditor
  7. Election of Board members
  8. Remuneration to the Board members
  9. Remuneration to the members of the Nomination Committee
  10. Election of members of the Nomination Committee
  11. Proposal to authorise the Board of directors to conduct capital increases for the purpose of strategic partnerships by way of share issue

To item 4 on the agenda:

The annual financial statements, the Director's report and the auditor's statement are enclosed in the Annual Report which was sent to Oslo Stock Exchange in a notice of 30 March.

To item 7 on the agenda:

The Nomination Committee proposal will be available on the Company’s web page at the latest on the same date as the general meeting is held.

Pursuant to the Company’s Articles of Association section 10, it is decided that shareholders who wish to participate at the general meeting, must notify the Company of his/her presence by use of the attendance form attached. The attendance form may be sent to DiaGenic ASA c/o DNB Bank ASA, Verdipapirservice, NO-0021 Oslo, Norway, or fax to +47 22 48 11 71. Attendance may also be registered on DiaGenic’s homepage on or through “Investortjenester”, a service provided to the individual investor by most Norwegian registrars. The reference number is required for registration through “Investortjenester” and in addition the pin code through DiaGenic’s homepage. Completed attendance form must be received by DNB Bank Verdipapirservice no later than 22 June 2012 at 13:00 CET.

Shareholders who cannot participate at the general meeting in person may authorize the acting chairman of the Board Ingrid Wiik or another person to vote for their shares, with or without voting instructions, by using the attached proxy form. Acting chairman of the Board Ingrid Wiik will only accept proxies with instructions, so that it is stated how the proxy holder shall vote in each matter. The written proxy form, dated and signed, may be sent to DiaGenic ASA c/o DNB Bank ASA, Verdipapirservice, NO-0021 Oslo, Norway, or per fax +47 22 48 11 71 or presented at the latest at the general meeting. Web-based registration of the proxy is also available, through “Investortjenester. The reference number is required for registration. Online registration is not available for registration of voting instructions. If the shareholder is a company, please attach the shareholder’s certificate of registration to the proxy. Proxy forms which are sent to DNB Bank Verdipapirservice must be received no later than 22 June 2012 at 13:00 CET.

Information regarding the ordinary general meeting, including this notice with attachments is available at the Company's website

Oslo, 5 June 2012

On behalf of the Board of directors of DiaGenic ASA

Ingrid Wiik

Acting chairman of the Board

Telephone: +47 900 51 433



Henrik Lund, CEO

Telephone: 47 90971219


About DiaGenic ASA

DiaGenic seeks to create value for patients, partners, and investors by developing innovative and more patient friendly methods for early detection of diseases utilizing DiaGenic’s unique concept. The concept implies that a disease evokes systemic responses in the blood unique for the disease, and which can be measured by using blood samples.

DiaGenic is a world leader in identifying these gene expression signatures in peripheral blood and is focused on the development of biomarkers in the field of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. DiaGenic’s Alzheimer’s disease development program includes the CE marked diagnostic test ADtect®, for detection of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, and MCItect®which is under development for identifying patients with very early stages of Alzheimer’s disease (prodromal AD).

DiaGenic’s concept is protected through an extensive patent portfolio. DiaGenic promotes its products and services towards leading pharmaceutical, imaging and diagnostic companies. DiaGenic is located in Norway and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. For more information please visit: