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  • Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S - Outcome of extraordinary general meeting on 28 May 2008

Dampskibsselskabet ”NORDEN” A/S - Outcome of extraordinary general meeting on 28 May 2008

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Dampskibsselskabet "NORDEN" A/S

OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S                Announcement no. 29
Nikolaj Plads 6                                           28 May 2008
1067 Copenhagen K   

Extraordinary general meeting of Dampskibsselskabet "NORDEN" A/S

The extraordinary general meeting was convened for the final adoption of the
amendments of the articles of association, proposed by the Board of Directors,
which could not be finally adopted by the Company's shareholders in ordinary
general meeting on 23 April 2008 due to lack of quorum, please see announcement
no. 21. The by the Board of Directors proposed amendments were finally adopted
today by the Company's shareholders in extraordinary general meeting. 

The main amendments were as follows:

- Amendment of the name of the Company so that the inverted 
  commas around NORDEN are deleted;
- Amendment of the registered office of the Company so that 
  it is situated in the Municipality of Gentofte;
- Updating of the provisions on the characteristic features 
  of the shares so that they reflect the fact that the shares 
  are registered with the VP Securities Service (Værdipapircentralen);
- Amendment of the place for general meetings so that they may be 
  held in the Capital Region of Denmark;
- Amendment of the provision on proposals for amendment of the
  articles of association in the convening notice so that only 
  the principal contents of the proposals are included;
- Amendment of the standard agenda for the annual general meeting 
  so that the resolution on the ratification of the acts of the 
  Board of Directors and the Board of Management is deleted;
- Amendment of the deadline for the submission of proposals for 
  the annual general meeting so that it is brought forward to 
  15 February;
- Amendment of the deadline for ordering admission cards and 
  a specification of the identification requirements for 
  shareholders; and
- Amendment of the provision on the allocation of profits.

The full wording of the proposed amendments of the articles of association is
available at the Company's website www.ds-norden.com, see also announcement no.

The Chairman, or whomever he may appoint, was authorised to carry out filings
and to make such changes - including amendments in the prepared documents - as
may be requested by the Commerce and Companies Agency or other authorities as a
condition for registration. 

                          Yours faithfully,
                   Dampskibsselskabet "NORDEN" A/S

                             Mogens Hugo

Contact at tel. +45 3315 0451: 
Chairman Mogens Hugo.

                   Dampskibsselskabet "NORDEN" A/S
                           49, Amaliegade
                         DK-1256 COPENHAGEN K