

We operators see that the number of accidents is also decreasing in the Nordic countries. This is due to a combination of information efforts and safety measures, such as a more robust vehicle design and technical features, as well as more people becoming accustomed to electric scooters as a mode of transport.
Tina Ghasemi, Senior Public Policy Manager at the operator Voi and Chair of the Nordic Micromobility Association
Now we need to continue the dialogue with legislators and municipalities about what measures can be taken in the traffic environment to maintain this trend. There is still more that can be done to ensure the safety of unprotected road users in both bike lanes and car lanes.
Tina Ghasemi, Senior Public Policy Manager at the operator Voi and Chair of the Nordic Micromobility Association
A recent study by Aalto University shows that, unfortunately, too many people still drive while intoxicated, which causes accidents. Under no circumstances should you drive any vehicle while intoxicated. For this reason, we seriously recommend the decision-makers to consider introducing a blood alcohol limit in Finland, as has already been done in Norway. The alcohol limit would raise the threshold for drunk driving and reduce the number of accidents.
Members of the Nordic Micromobility Association
We are committed to the road traffic safety project Vision Zero, the goal of which is that there would be no deaths or serious accidents in road traffic. We think it's very good that the challenges related to electric kickboarding are investigated using reliable and independent scientific research, so that we can solve the challenges of the industry even better.
Members of the Nordic Micromobility Association
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