NPRO: Approval of base prospectus, listing of bonds and change of ISIN

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The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway has on 26th January 2022 approved Norwegian Property ASA’s base prospectus, and it is available at Norwegian Property ASA’s website .

The prospectus has been prepared in connection with the listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange of the following bond issues on 2nd February 2022:

Three bond issues with temporary ISIN will be converted into three bond issues with original ISIN:

  • Temporay Bonds with ISIN NO 0011084642 will be merged with bond issue with original ISIN NO 0010894785
  • Temporay Bonds with ISIN NO0011084667 will be merged with bond issue with original ISIN NO 0010856818
  • Temporay Bonds with ISIN NO 0011087579 will be merged with bond issue with original ISIN NO NO 0010799547

Further details are available in attached notices from Nordic Trustee.

For further information, please contact:
Haavard Rønning (CFO) Mobile +47 400 20 019.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements according to §5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act (’Verdipapirhandelloven’).

Norwegian Property is a focused and fully integrated office property company with properties located mainly in the Oslo area in Norway. The portfolio is characterized by central location and attractive premises with high quality tenants. The group’s properties consist largely of office premises, associated warehousing and car parking, as well as retail and catering space. The company has identified four value drivers for long-term value creation; Marketing & letting, Property management, Property development and Transactions & finance.