NYAB Plc: Mikael Ritola appointed COO of the Group

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07.05.2024 at 14:00

NYAB Plc: Mikael Ritola appointed COO of the Group

NYAB has appointed Mikael Ritola as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Group. In his new role, he will support the operative management of NYAB’s core business across all geographic areas and subsidiaries with a special focus on developing working methods and business operations.

Ritola continues as a member of NYAB’s Executive Management Team, where he has previously had a role of Senior Vice President, Finland. Until further notice, he will also continue to be responsible for managing NYAB’s Finnish operations.

Mikael has consistently improved our core business with his entrepreneurial, responsible, and business-driven approach since 2013. He is one of NYAB’s founders, who has played a significant role in our profitable growth regarding both operational and strategic matters. Since autumn 2022, he has achieved a significant turnaround in our Finnish operations together with his team, which now enables a broader focus for his work. His contribution will be important to ensure our ongoing growth”, says Johan Larsson, CEO of NYAB.


About NYAB Oyj

NYAB enables the progress of society for future generations with extensive experience from complex and challenging projects. We provide services of engineering, construction and maintenance within sustainable infrastructure, industrial construction and renewable energy and therefore contribute to the green transition. We operate in Sweden and Finland within both private and public sector.

NYAB Plc's Certified Adviser is Augment Partners AB, info@augment.se, phone +46 8 604 22 55.
