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  • NYAB Plc has decided on the transition to IFRS reporting and publishes consolidated IFRS financial statements for 2022

NYAB Plc has decided on the transition to IFRS reporting and publishes consolidated IFRS financial statements for 2022

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29 June 2023 at 15:30

NYAB Plc has decided on the transition to IFRS reporting and publishes consolidated IFRS financial statements for 2022

NYAB Plc transitions from the Finnish Accounting Standards (FAS) to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The company has prepared consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended on 31 December 2022 in accordance with IFRS standards. The consolidated financial statements have been attached to this announcement in their entirety together with the auditor’s report. The consolidated financial statements also include comparative financial information for the financial year ended on 31 December 2021. The transition date for the IFRS reporting is 1 January 2021.

The adoption of IFRS standards results in a major change in NYAB’s reported financial information, as NYAB Sverige AB that NYAB Plc acquired on 31 March 2022 becomes the parent company of the group in accounting. The transaction between the companies has been treated as a reverse acquisition in accordance with IFRS 3 standard, in which case NYAB Sverige AB has been considered as the accounting acquirer and the legal parent company NYAB Plc (Skarta Group Plc at the moment of the transaction) as the accounting acquiree. Consequently, NYAB’s Finnish group companies have been consolidated to the IFRS financial statements as of 31 March 2022, and the prior financial information includes figures of NYAB Sverige AB subgroup.

Regarding the consolidated balance sheet, the treatment of the transaction as a reverse acquisition has a particular effect on the calculation of consolidated goodwill. Consequently, goodwill in the IFRS balance sheet of 31 December 2022 is EUR 85.4 million less than in the consolidated balance sheet  under FAS. Under IFRS, goodwill is not amortized, but it is regularly tested for impairment. Therefore, transition to IFRS reporting significantly improves the operating profit (EBIT) of the group that has been significantly affected by the amortization of consolidated goodwill under FAS. Other significant transition effects have been presented in section “2. First-time adoption of IFRS standards” of the consolidated financial statements.

Key figures of the consolidated financial statements

1.1.- 31.12.2022 1.1.- 31.12.2021
Revenue, EUR thousand 253,318 131,713
Change in net sales, % 92.3% 5.3%
EBITDA, EUR thousand 30,389 16,741
  % of net sales 12.0% 12.7%
EBITA, EUR thousand 27,217 15,612
  % of net sales 10.7% 11.9%
Operating Profit (EBIT) , EUR thousand 25,744 15,599
  % of net sales 10.2% 11.8%
Profit for the period, EUR thousand 23,320 12,197
Earnings per share (EPS), basic, in euros 0.03 0.03
Earnings per share (EPS), diluted, in euros 0.03 0.03
Return on equity, % 22.5% 45.4%
Return on capital employed, % 22.7% 54.8%
Equity ratio -% 69.6% 49.7%
Net gearing -% 3.9% -21.7%
Net debt/EBITDA 0.23 -0.35
Free cash flow, EUR thousand 3,699 5,681
Order backlog, EUR thousand 239,682 162,922

Consolidated income statement 1 January – 31 December 2021

EUR thousand NYAB Sverige AB subgroup IFRS transition impact IFRS consolidated financial statements
Revenue 131 758 -45 131 713
Other operating income 186 45 231
Materials and services -99 173 0 -99 173
Employee benefit expenses -12 785 0 -12 785
Depreciation and amortisation expense -982 -159 -1 142
Other operating expenses -3 419 174 -3 245
Operating profit 15 585 14 15 599
Finance income 44 0 44
Finance expense -74 -17 -90
Finance costs, net -30 -17 -47
Profit before taxes 15 555 -2 15 553
Income tax expense -3 356 0 -3 356
Non-controlling interest -420 420 0
Profit for the period 11 779 418 12 197
Attributable to:
Owners of the parent 11 779 -2 11 777
Non-controlling interest 0 420 420
Other comprehensive income
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Change in cumulative translation adjustment 0 -523 -523
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax 0 -523 -523
Total comprehensive income 11 779 -104 11 675
Attributable to:
Owners of the parent 11 779 -520 11 259
Non-controlling interests 0 416 416

Consolidated income statement 1 January – 31 December 2022

EUR thousand NYAB Plc Group (FAS) IFRS transition impact IFRS consolidated financial statements
Revenue 247 702 5 616 253 318
Other operating income 20 720 -4 701 16 019
Materials and services -196 941 -6 670 -203 612
Employee benefit expenses -26 320 -445 -26 764
Depreciation and amortisation expense -20 858 16 213 -4 645
Other operating expenses -12 061 3 489 -8 571
Operating profit 12 242 13 503 25 744
Finance income 601 -36 565
Finance expense -2 238 1 233 -1 004
Finance costs, net -1 667 1 201 -466
Share of the associate's profits (losses) -30 4 -27
Changes in untaxed reserves 913 -913 0
Profit before taxes 11 488 13 790 25 278
Income tax expense -3 092 1 134 -1 958
Profit for the period 8 396 14 924 23 320
Other comprehensive income
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Tax relating to items that will not be reclassified 0 100 100
Valuation (losses)/gains on fair value through other comprehensive income equity investments 0 -499 -499
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Change in cumulative translation adjustment 0 -1 857 -1 857
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax 0 -2 257 -2 257
Total comprehensive income 8 396 13 581 21 063

Quarterly consolidated income statement 2022

EUR Thousand Q1/2022 Q2/2022 Q3/2022 Q4/2022 Q1-Q4/2022
Revenue 17 476 55 728 90 349 89 765 253 318
Other operating income 40 615 409 14 955 16 019
Materials and services -16 576 -42 932 -73 902 -70 202 -203 612
Employee benefit expenses -3 013 -6 974 -7 632 -9 145 -26 764
Other operating expenses 1 628 -2 929 -2 673 -4 597 -8 571
EBITDA -445 3 507 6 551 20 776 30 389
Depreciations, amortisations and impairment -413 -1 330 -1 340 -1 562 -4 645
Operating profit (EBIT) -858 2 177 5 212 19 213 25 744
Financial income 41 -3 34 493 565
Financial expenses -127 -271 -277 -329 -1 004
Share of results in associated companies 0 37 4 -68 -27
Profit before tax -943 1 939 4 972 19 310 25 278
Income tax -74 -1 259 -634 9 -1 958
Profit for the financial period -1 017 680 4 339 19 318 23 320

Consolidated balance sheet 31 December 2022

EUR thousand NYAB Plc Group (FAS) IFRS transition impact IFRS consolidated financial statements
Non-current assets
Goodwill 206 544 -85 363 121 182
Intangible assets 31 3 809 3 840
Tangible assets 15 277 -918 14 360
Right-of-use assets 0 3 377 3 377
Participations in associates and joint ventures 11 110 0 11 110
Other non-current receivables and investments 5 624 0 5 624
Deferred tax assets 0 480 480
Total non-current assets 238 587 -78 615 159 973
Current assets
Inventories 2 303 0 2 303
Trade receivables 50 618 0 50 618
Contract assets 22 841 0 22 841
Other receivables 9 536 0 9 536
Cash and cash equivalents 13 827 0 13 827
Total current assets 99 125 0 99 125
Total assets 337 713 -78 615 259 098
EUR thousand NYAB Plc Group (FAS) IFRS transition impact IFRS consolidated financial statements
Issued capital and reserves attributable to owners of the parent
Share capital 80 0 80
Reserve for invested non-restricted equity 273 235 -130 860 142 375
Translation adjustment -1 503 -878 -2 382
Retained earnings -9 065 49 410 40 345
Total equity 262 747 -82 328 180 418
Provisions 83 -83 0
Non-current liabilities
Non-current interest-bearing liabilities 11 303 -935 10 367
Lease liabilities 0 2 277 2 277
Deferred tax liabilities 3 134 1 245 4 379
Accrued expenses 0 113 113
Provisions 0 83 83
Total non-current liabilities 14 437 2 782 17 219
Current liabilities
Current interest-bearing liabilities 7 178 0 7 178
Lease liabilities 0 1 014 1 014
Contract liabilities 4 415 7 232 11 647
Trade and other payables 48 852 -7 232 41 621
Total current liabilities 60 446 1 014 61 460
Total liabilities 74 883 3 797 78 680
Total equity and liabilities 337 713 -78 615 259 098


About NYAB Oyj

NYAB is a builder of a clean future with decades of experience in complex and demanding projects. We are enabling green transition in the Nordics by providing engineering, construction, and maintenance services to public and private sector clients regarding renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure. NYAB is headquartered in Oulu and it has more than 350 employees at different locations in Finland and Sweden.

NYAB Plc's Certified Adviser is Augment Partners AB, info@augment.se, phone +46 8 604 22 55.