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The special examination of Obducat, initiated at the annual general meeting and commenced in August, was carried out by Mr. Joakim Edoff, lawyer at Setterwalls Advokatbyrå in Gothenburg. According to Mr. Edoff, the now finalized report does not disclose any serious errors or discrepancies in any of the areas examined. Mr. Edoff further points out in his report that he does not consider it necessary for Obducat to address any special matters as a result of the examination.

”We can just conclude that the outcome of the examination report is what we expected, i.e. that the special examiner has found no reason to address any serious criticism against Obducat”, says Henri Bergstrand, Chairman of the Obducat Board of Directors. ”We can now put this whole process behind us in order to focus our resources entirely on concrete efforts taking the company forward”, Bergstrand continuous.

Extract from the Mr. Edoff’s examination report:

"My concluding judgment is that the examination has not disclosed any serious errors or discrepancies in any of the areas examined. In the area relating to issues, I have made a couple of observations, primarily of formal character. In the area covering transactions with related shareholders, I have made a minor remark concerning the disclosure of payments made under a previous rental agreement. Finally, in the area covering the administration of the board, I have considered, but decided not to, make any remark concerning the handling of certain proxies at the annual general meeting 2004. It is not my opinion that Obducat should undertake any certain action based on my comments (other than observing my criticism henceforth in connection with e.g. documentation of decisions made, as well as not repeating actions criticized, respectively).”

A more detailed summary of the examination report, as well as the board’s comments to the report, are made available as of today on the Obducat website www.obducat.com.

The entire examination report (only available in Swedish language) can be ordered from Obducat as from today. Please contact Cecilia Juréus, +46 40 36 21 00, +46 703 27 3710, or cecilia.jureus@obducat.com

Obducat shareholders will be given opportunity at the next extraordinary or annual general meeting to comment upon the report, which at that time will be presented by the examiner, Mr. Edoff.

For further information, please contact:

Henri Bergstrand, Chairman of the Board, +46 708 88 72 45

Obducat AB is an innovative developer and supplier of technologies, products and processes used for the production and replication of advanced micro- and nano structures. Obducat´s products and services are intended to serve the demands of companies within the information storage, semiconductor, printed circuit board, and sensor industries. Obducat´s technologies include electron beam, and nano imprint technology. Obducat has offices in Sweden, and the UK, with the head quarter located in Malmö, Sweden. The Obducat shares are publicly traded on the Swedish NGM stock exchange. Read more on www.obducat.com

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