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The Annual General Meeting of Obducat AB (publ.) on 23 June 2010 resolved to adopt the previously announced proposals.

It was thus resolved that no dividends be distributed to the shareholders. The AGM further resolved to adopt the income statements and balance sheets for Parent Company and the Group and to discharge the members of the Board and the President from liability.

In accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, the AGM resolved that seven ordinary board members be appointed, without deputies. Board members Henri Bergstrand, Lars Montelius and Werner Uhlmann were re-elected and André Bergstrand (previously deputy member), Håkan Thorbjörnsson (previously deputy member), Antonia Hägg Billing and Patrik Lundström were elected new members. Henri Bergstrand was re-elected chairman of the board.

Resolutions regarding Nomination Committee and guidelines for compensation to senior executives in accordance with the proposals submitted.

Finally, in order to attain an appropriate number of shares in the Company and consequently a more appropriate share price, the AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board’s proposal, to implement a reverse split 1:80. In connection with this, it was also resolved to implement a smaller, directed share issue of A shares and B shares, and to change the limits with respect to the number of shares stipulated in the Articles of Association. The Board was authorised to set the record day for the reverse split, which will be announced in a separate press release in due course prior to the record day.

This is information that Obducat AB is required to make in compliance with the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication on 24 June 2010 at 8:15 am pm.

For further information, please contact:

Lars Tilly, CEO: + 46 40 36 21 45 or + 46 703 27 37 45

Henri Bergstrand, Chairman of the Board: + 46 708 88 72 45

Om Obducat AB

Obducat AB utvecklar och levererar teknologier, produkter och processer för produktion och replikering av avancerade mikro- och nanostrukturer. Obducats tjänster och produkter riktar sig i första hand till expansiva företag inom datalagrings-, halvledar-, kretskorts- och sensorindustrierna. Obducats teknologier omfattar elektronstråleteknik och nanoimprintteknik. Obducat finns i Sverige och Storbritannien och har huvudkontor i Malmö. Aktien är noterad på NGM-listan. Läs mer på

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