Outokumpu and De Nora Elettrodi testing new clean copper technology

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Outokumpu Technology (Finland) and De Nora Elettrodi (Italy) have started pilot testing of the De Nora High Productivity Automated (HPA) electrowinning technology at Outokumpu's Pori refinery. The HPA technology offers significant advantages over conventional electrowinning technology. It totally eliminates sulphuric acid mist emissions and reduces investment and operating costs.

The HPA copper electrowinning technology increases the productivity in hydrometallurgical copper production. It utilizes a moving bed of copper shot to achieve ultra-high current density, ten times higher than with the conventional electrowinning technology.

The joint development combines Outokumpu's extensive experience in copper electrometallurgical technology and De Nora's vast electrochemical production experience, including manufacturing of dimensionally stable anodes for the copper plating and chlor-alkali industries. Outokumpu Technology aims to commercialize the HPA technology together with De Nora Elettrodi.

Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation is participating in the tests with the goal of installing the technology at their Utah Copper Refinery. The test program is scheduled to be completed in the second quarter of 2004.

For further information, please contact:
Olli Järvinen
Outokumpu Technology
tel. +358 9 421 2384, e-mail: olli.jarvinen@outokumpu.com
