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PONSSE PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 16 NOVEMBER 2009, 3:30 P.M.                   
PONSSE PLC´S DIVIDEND FOR 2008                                                  

Authorised by the Annual General Meeting, the Ponsse Plc Board of Directors has 
decided at its meeting held on 16 November 2009 to distribute a dividend of EUR 
0.10 per share for 2008.  The record date is 19 November 2009 and the dividend  
shall be paid on 27 November 2009.  
Ponsse Plc's Annual General Meeting was held in Vieremä, 28 April 2009. The     
Annual General Meeting authorised then the Board to decide on the distribution  
of dividends for 2008 so that the maximum amount of dividends to be distributed 
is EUR 0.10 per share (the maximum total dividends are EUR 2,800,000) and that  
the authorisation is valid until 31 December 2009.                              

Vieremä, 16 November 2009                                                       

PONSSE PLC                                                                      

Juho Nummela                                                                    
President and CEO
FURTHER INFORMATION                                                             
Juho Nummela, President and CEO, tel. +358 20 768 8914 or                       
+358 400 495 690
Petri Härkönen, CFO, tel. +358 20 768 8608 or +358 50 409 8362 
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd                                                         
Principal media                                                                 
