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- Net sales amounted to EUR 293.0 (310.1) million.                              
- Net sales during 10-12/2008 were EUR 76.8 (10-12/2007, 96.1) million.         
- Operating profit was EUR 13.6 (37.1) million and accounted for 4.7 (12.0) per 
cent of the net sales.                                                          
- Operating result for 10-12/2008 was EUR -4.2 (10-12/2007, 13.1) million and   
accounted for -5.4 (13.7) per cent of the net sales.                            
- Profit before taxes was EUR 6.3 (36.4) million.                               
- Earnings per share were EUR 0.16 (0.95).                                      
- Equity ratio stood at 38.4 per cent (50.3 per cent).                          
- Order books were valued at EUR 41.5 (110.1) million.                          
- The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorise the 
Board of Directors to decide on the distribution of dividends amounting to a    
maximum of EUR 0.10 per share during 2009.                                      

PRESIDENT AND CEO JUHO NUMMELA:                                                 

During the last quarter, there was a quick downturn in the export markets as a  
result of the global financial crisis. Machinery deliveries concentrated on the 
Finnish and Swedish markets. Net sales decreased compared with the corresponding
period, and operating profit turned into a loss as a result of small delivery   
volumes and high operating costs in relation to the prevailing situation. Net   
sales for the year were lower than in the preceding year. This was to be        
expected, given the weak demand during the latter half of the year. Order intake
was weak during the last quarter.                                               

Following the results of the first round of employer-employee negotiations, the 
factory was shut down using temporary lay-offs. The second round of             
employer-employee negotiations was initiated during the last quarter of the year
in order to further adjust the operations. The employer-employee negotiations   
are part of the Group-level programme related to reducing operating costs. Its  
goal is to adjust the company's operations to the market situation that will    
prevail after the financial crisis.                                             

The concentration of operations began during the last quarter of the year as the
Brazilian assembly and R&D operations were transferred to Vieremä. The          
operations of subsidiary companies in North and South America were also adjusted
during the last quarter. Adjustment measures regarding other subsidiaries will  
continue throughout spring.                                                     

NET SALES                                                                       

Consolidated net sales for the year amounted to EUR 293.0 (310.1) million, which
is 5.5 per cent less than in the comparison period. International business      
operations accounted for 63.3 (70.6) per cent of total net sales. Net sales for 
the fourth quarter totalled EUR 76.8 (96.1) million, which is 20.1 per cent less
than in the previous year.                                                      

Net sales were accumulated per region as follows: Nordic countries 54.7 (47.2)  
per cent, the rest of Europe 32.0 (41.0) per cent, North and South America 10.8 
(10.2) per cent and other countries 2.5 (1.6) per cent.                         

The development of the economy quickly slowed down during the latter half of the
year. This was also strongly reflected in the demand for forest machines. The   
machine sales volumes were clearly lower in the latter half of the year when    
compared to the previous year. The only exceptions were Scandinavian main       
markets where business was satisfactory. Demand in Central Europe and Russia was
clearly more modest during the period than in the previous year. There were no  
significant changes in the market situation in North America during the period  
when compared with the previous year. There was less demand than usual. The     
global developments in economy were also reflected on the new market areas,     
South America and Asia. New investments in chemical wood processing were        
postponed and the existing production capacity was adjusted for the weaker      

PROFIT PERFORMANCE                                                              

Operating profit was EUR 13.6 (37.1) million. Operating result for the fourth   
quarter amounted to EUR -4.2 (10-12/2007, 13.1) million. Operating profit       
accounted for 4.7 (12.0) per cent of net sales in the period under review.      
Return on capital employed (ROCE) stood at 7.5 (37.4) per cent.                 

Staff costs for the period under review totalled EUR 48.2 (42.5) million, and   
other operating expenses EUR 33.6 (30.4) million. Net financial income and      
expenses totalled EUR -7.5 (-1.7) million, of which EUR -2.7 (-1.5) million     
consisted of direct financing costs. Exchange rate gains and losses due to      
exchange rate fluctuations are recognised in financial items. Their net effect  
on profit amounts to EUR -4.8 (-0.6) million. The negative change is primarily  
due to the rapid weakening of the Russian rouble and the Brazilian real in      
November-December 2008.  Profit for the financial period totalled EUR 4.4 (26.5)
million. Diluted and undiluted earnings per share (EPS) were EUR 0.16 (0.95).   
The company does not have any items that could have a dilutive effect on the    
earnings per share.                                                             

BALANCE SHEET AND FINANCIAL POSITION                                            

At the end of the period under review, the consolidated balance sheet total     
amounted to EUR 174.8 (153.9) million. Inventories stood at EUR 88.3 (65.6)     
million. Trade receivables totalled EUR 22.2 (29.3) million and liquid assets   
stood at EUR 8.1 (12.6) million. The amount of Group equity was EUR 67.1 (76.5) 
million. Parent company equity stood at EUR 63.4 (70.8) million.  The amount of 
interest-bearing liabilities was EUR 72.9 (33.9) million. The parent company's  
net receivables from other Group companies stood at EUR 57.6 (41.3) million. The
parent company's receivables from subsidiaries mainly consist of current trade  
receivables that have been recognised at carrying value. As a result of losses  
due to restructuring of subsidiaries, the parent company recognised a credit    
loss of EUR 6.0 million in 2008. Consolidated net liabilities totalled EUR 64.6 
(19.5) million, and the debt-equity ratio (gearing) was 96.6 (27.8) per cent.   
The equity ratio stood at 38.4 per cent (50.3 per cent) at the end of the period
under review.                                                                   

Cash flow from business operations amounted to EUR -20.8 (19.0) million. Cash   
flow from investing activities amounted to EUR -8.5 (-6.4) million.             

ORDER INTAKE AND ORDER BOOKS                                                    

Order intake for the period totalled EUR 224.4 (361.2) million, while period-end
order books were valued at EUR 41.5 (110.1) million. The order books included   
dealers' minimum purchase commitments, based on previous practice.              

DISTRIBUTION NETWORK                                                            

As part of its adjustment and efficiency measures, the company decided to       
transfer the R&D and assembly operations of debarking harvester heads from      
Brazil to the Vieremä factory in Finland. Ponsse Latin America Ltda continues   
its operations as a subsidiary providing sales and maintenance services.        

The business name of the Uruguayan subsidiary, Povery S.A., was changed to      
Ponsse Uruguay S.A. during the review period.                                   

No other changes took place in the Group structure.                             

The subsidiaries included in the Ponsse Group are Epec Oy, Finland; OOO Ponsse, 
Russia; Ponsse AB, Sweden; Ponsse AS, Norway; Ponsse Asia-Pacific Ltd, Hong     
Kong; Ponsse China Ltd, China; Ponsse Latin America Ltda, Brazil; Ponsse North  
America, Inc., United States of America; Ponssé S.A.S., France; Ponsse UK Ltd,  
Great Britain; and Ponsse Uruguay S.A., Uruguay. Sunit Oy in Kajaani, Finland,  
is an affiliated company in which Ponsse Plc has a holding of 34 per cent.      

CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND R&D                                                     

The Group's R&D expenses totalled EUR 7.6 (5.7) million during the period under 
review. The amount of R&D expenses capitalised during the period was EUR 1,230  
(851) thousand.                                                                 

Capital expenditure totalled EUR 8.5 (6.6) million.                             

Investments were in particular made in the production machinery and equipment as
well as maintenance in the Vieremä factory and in the factory of the subsidiary 
Epec Oy. Normal maintenance investments were made during the period in IT       

GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS                                                 

The Annual General Meeting was held in Vieremä on 29 April 2008. The meeting    
dealt with matters stipulated in Section 10 of Ponsse Plc's Articles of         
Association. The Annual General Meeting decided to distribute a dividend of EUR 
0.50 per share for the period ending on 31 December 2007.                       

The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to purchase a      
maximum of 250,000 of the Company's own shares with the Company's unrestricted  
equity. The purchase authorisation is valid until the next Annual General       
Meeting; however, no later than 30 June 2009. The Annual General Meeting also   
authorised the Board of Directors to decide on the assignment of a maximum of   
300,000 of the Company's own shares. The authorisation is also valid until the  
next Annual General Meeting; however, no later than 30 June 2009.               

The Annual General Meeting decided to pay a bonus to the Company's staff for    
2007. The amount of the bonus was confirmed at EUR 90 for each month of         

BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND AUDITORS                                                 

Ponsse Plc's Board of Directors comprised six members during the financial      
period: Maarit Aarni-Sirviö, Nils Hagman, Ilkka Kylävainio, Seppo Remes, Einari 
Vidgrén and Juha Vidgrén. Einari Vidgrén acted as Chairman of the Board and Juha
Vidgrén as Vice Chairman.                                                       

The Board of Directors did not establish any committees or commissions from     
among its members.                                                              

The Board of Directors convened eleven times during the financial period. The   
attendance rate was 86.4 per cent.                                              

Ernst & Young Oy acted as the company auditors with Eero Huusko, Authorised     
Public Accountant, as the principal auditor.                                    


The following changes took place in the company's operative management during   
the period under review: Doctor of Technology Juho Nummela was appointed        
President and CEO. Jarmo Vidgrén was appointed Sales and Marketing Director and 
Deputy CEO, Juha Haverinen was appointed Factory Director. The appointments took
effect on 1 June 2008.                                                          

Doctor of Technology Juha Inberg was appointed the company's R&D and Technology 
Director and member of the Management Team from 1 January 2009.                 

As of 1 July 2008, Jaakko Laurila was appointed Vice President responsible for  
the Russian region and President and CEO of OOO Ponsse.                         

During the period under review, the following persons were members of the Group 
Management Team: Purchasing and Logistics Director Pasi Arajärvi, Factory       
Director Juha Haverinen (from 1 June 2008), Regional Director for South and     
Central America and President and CEO of Ponssé S.A.S. Tapio Ingervo (until 1   
June 2008), Director for strategy and Customer Cooperation Hannu Kivelä (from 1 
June 2008, until 13 January 2009), Communications Director Jari Mononen, Service
Director Juhani Mäkynen, Factory Director (until 1 June 2008), President & CEO  
(from 1 June 2008) Juho Nummela, HR Director Paula Oksman, CFO Mikko Paananen,  
Technology and R&D Director Seppo Taatila (until 1 January 2009), President &   
CEO Arto Tiitinen (until 1 June 2008), and Sales and Marketing Director Jarmo   

During the year under review, the following persons were members of the Group   
Sales Management Team: Cláudio Costa (Latin America), Tapio Ingervo (Central and
Southern Europe), Marko Mattila (North America),  Jaakko Laurila (Russia from 1 
June 2008), Mikko Laurila (Northern Europe from 1 June 2008; until then, Asia,  
Oceania and Africa), Distribution Development Director Tapio Mertanen (from 1   
June 2008), Service Director Juhani Mäkynen (from 1 June 2008),    
President and CEO Arto Tiitinen (until 1 June 2008), Norbert Schalkx (Asia,     
Oceania and Africa from 1 June 2008), Ville Siekkinen (Russia until 1 July 2008)
and Sales and Marketing Director Jarmo Vidgrén (Northern Europe until 1 June    
2008, after that Head of the Sales Management Team).                            


The Group had an average staff of 1,044 (876) during the period and employed 981
(945) people at period-end.                                                     

The negotiations pursuant to the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings,       
started on 16 October 2008 at the company's initiative, were completed on 30    
October 2008. As a result of the negotiations, a decision was taken to implement
temporary lay-offs during the period 10 December 2008 - 15 May 2009. In Finland,
these lay-offs affect 320 employees and 125 clerical workers.                   

Due to weakening demand on the market, the company announced on 8 December 2008 
that further employer-employee negotiations are to be started. The aim of the   
negotiations is to secure the company's competitiveness and improve its         

SHARE PERFORMANCE                                                               

The trading volume of Ponsse Plc shares for 1 January - 30 December 2008        
totalled 2,715,572, accounting for 9.7 per cent of the total number of shares.  
Share turnover came to EUR 27.1 million, and the period's lowest and highest    
share prices were EUR 4.25 and EUR 16.29, respectively.                         

At the end of the period, the share price stood at EUR 4.50 and market          
capitalisation totalled EUR 126.0 million.                                      

At the end of the reporting period the company had 47,900 own shares in its     

In April 2008, the Board of Directors decided to implement a share-based        
incentive scheme for key personnel of the Ponsse Group. The earning period of   
the scheme began on 1 January 2008 and ends on 31 December 2010. Some 20 persons
are included in the scheme. Any incentive bonuses payable for the earning period
2008-2010 will be paid out in 2011, partly in company shares and partly in cash.
The part paid out in cash covers the taxes and tax-like levies payable for the  
incentive. The benchmarks of the scheme are the company's share price (adjusted 
for dividends), the Group cash flow and net sales of maintenance services. The  
incentive bonuses will correspond to a maximum of approximately 120,000 Ponsse  
shares (also including the part paid in cash).                                  

DISCLOSURE NOTIFICATIONS                                                        

No such notifications of changes in share holdings were brought to the company's
attention during the review period that would require issuing a disclosure      
notification referred to in Chapter 2, section 9 of the Securities Markets Act. 

QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT                                                         

Ponsse observes in its operations the ISO 9001:2000 quality standard, the ISO   
14001 environmental system standard and the OHSAS 18001 occupational safety and 
health standard, the first of which is certified. DNV conducted an audit related
to the ISO 9001 quality system during the period.                               

During the year under review, an external expert assessed the functionality of  
the company's environmental system. Development work for the system continued.  
The company complies with environmental legislation in its operations.          
Regulatory amendments are continuously monitored and the necessary actions are  
taken accordingly. In accordance with the company's environmental policy, Ponsse
aims at developing and manufacturing products which in use exert as little load 
on the environment as possible.                                                 

Practices and production processes are developed through internal audits and    
supplier audits. The resources invested in auditing have been considerable, and 
they have helped the company create new and better practices, both for its own  
operations and those of its suppliers. Production processes are being developed 
utilising the method of continual improvement. Good results have been achieved  
during the period. The Quality Assurance system introduced early in the year    
stresses the importance of proactive measures. The Lean Six Sigma quality       
improvement scheme was initiated during the year. The results from the first    
projects have been good.                                                        

The company continued its close cooperation with Occupational Healthcare. The   
focus was on developing preventive OHC with active patient participation, using 
training among other measures. The sick absences of personnel working in Finland
reduced considerably during 2008.                                               

The Group-level Data Security Team is responsible for the general development of
information security, maintenance of the Group information security policy and  
coordination of the information security training.                              


The company's Board of Directors has confirmed the introduction of a new code of
governance that entered into force on 1 January 2009. The code is based on the  
recommendation approved by the Securities Market Association in October 2008,   
entitled ”Suomen listayhtiöiden hallinnointikoodi (Corporate Governance)”.      

The new code of governance can be viewed on Ponsse's website in the Investors   

RISK MANAGEMENT                                                                 

The Ponsse Group's risk management policy seeks to maintain and further develop 
a practical and comprehensive system for the management and reporting of risks. 
This entails a risk assessment for each function and unit, integrating risk     
management into the business processes, constant quality development and        
disseminating information on best practices.                                    

Internal supervision constitutes an essential part of risk management. The Board
of Directors is responsible for the organisation of the operations and their    
adequacy, whilst the President and CEO is responsible for the implementation of 
supervision in practice. Methods of internal supervision include internal       
guidelines, reporting and various technical supervision systems related to      
activities. An internal auditor is responsible for the company's internal       
supervision in practice, and he reports to the Board of Directors.              

BUSINESS RISKS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT                                             

The global uncertainty regarding economy and finances has significantly         
increased during the last few months and weeks. This uncertainty strongly       
reflects on the company's business. The predictability of business is           
fundamentally lower than in normal circumstances. Estimates regarding the pace  
at which the economy will pick up are uncertain.                                

The declining economic trend has increased the risks associated with the        
functionality of the subcontractor and supplier network. Ponsse aims to manage  
and minimise these risks through partnership cooperation. The financial standing
of suppliers is monitored more intensely than normal. The company has also      
started the process of screening alternative suppliers. As part of its risk     
management efforts related to the availability of certain key components, the   
company has chosen to manufacture these components in-house.                    

The decreasing production and invoicing volumes increase the parent company's   
and subsidiaries' risk regarding business profitability. A Group-level          
adjustment programme has been initiated in order to stabilise the situation. It 
involves adjusting the operating expenses for the changed demand. Should the    
markets further deteriorate from the current exceptionally poor state, further  
intensification and extension of the adjustment and efficiency measures will    
have to be considered. The parent company monitors the changes in asset value of
Group receivables and their associated risk of impairment.                      

The developments in maintenance services and spare part sales have a causal link
with the utilisation rates of machines. The general economic situation may lead 
to lower harvesting volumes and utilisation rates.                              

The economic uncertainty has increased currency rate fluctuations and borrowing 
costs. The key objectives of the company's financing risk management include    
controlling the liquidity, interest and currency risks. Ponsse has ensured its  
liquidity by means of credit limit agreements with a number of financial        
institutions. The company's financial liabilities are exclusively guaranteed by 
covenants. In order to minimise the impact of any adverse changes in interest   
rates the company uses interest rate swaps and credits tied to different        
reference rates. Derivative contracts and currency-denominated credits are used 
to minimise the adverse effects of changes in exchange rates. The financial     
unrest increases the uncertainties related to sales receivables. The terms and  
conditions of sales against invoice and receivables monitoring have been        

EVENTS AFTER THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW                                            

The company announced on 3 February 2009 that the employer-employee negotiations
initiated on 8 December 2008 have been completed. The negotiations resulted in  
the termination of 158 contracts of employment in Finland. In addition to the   
terminations, the temporary lay-offs will continue in 2009. The cost effects of 
operational adjustments will be recognised during the financial period of 2009. 

Subsidiary company Epec Oy announced on 5 February 2009 that it will initiate   
employer-employee negotiations. The goal is to adjust the company's costs to the
lower demand.                                                                   

OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE                                                          

The international economic situation makes it more difficult to predict the     
company's business operations. The revival of the forest machine markets will   
decidedly depend on the stabilisation of financial markets and normalisation of 
real economy.                                                                   

The company's own cost-cutting measures will take full effect during the latter 
half of 2009. The order book is considerably smaller at the beginning of 2009   
than the year before.                                                           

The company expects that the net sales for the first six months will be poor,   
probably resulting in making a loss. The outlook for the latter half of the year
is uncertain.                                                                   

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                                          

The Annual General Meeting will be held at the company's registered office at   
Ponssentie 22, 74200 Vieremä, on 28 April 2009, commencing at 10:00 a.m.        


The Board of Directors of Ponsse Plc proposes that the Annual General Meeting   
authorise the Board of Directors to decide on the distribution of dividends     
amounting to a maximum of EUR 0.10 per share during 2009.                       


PONSSE GROUP                                                                    

CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT (EUR 1,000)                                

|                        |         |     IFRS |     IFRS |     IFRS |     IFRS |
|                        |         | 10-12/08 | 10-12/07 |  1-12/08 |  1-12/07 |
| NET SALES              |         |   76,795 |   96,087 |  293,015 |  310,053 |
| Increase (+)/decrease (-) in     |  -10,337 |   -3,661 |    7,885 |    2,159 |
| inventories of finished goods    |          |          |          |          |
| and work in progress             |          |          |          |          |
| Other operating income |         |    1,150 |      580 |    2,608 |    1,326 |
| Raw materials and      |         |  -48,444 |  -57,948 | -203,082 | -199,253 |
| services               |         |          |          |          |          |
| Expenditure on                   |  -12,232 |  -12,244 |  -48,175 |  -42,538 |
| employment-related benefits      |          |          |          |          |
| Depreciation           |         |   -1,337 |   -1,106 |   -5,037 |   -4,270 |
| Other operating        |         |   -9,743 |   -8,582 |  -33,586 |  -30,398 |
| expenses               |         |          |          |          |          |
| OPERATING PROFIT       |         |   -4,150 |   13,127 |   13,628 |   37,080 |
| Share of results of associated   |       40 |       21 |       91 |    1,002 |
| companies                        |          |          |          |          |
| Financial income and   |         |   -5,384 |     -838 |   -7,462 |   -1,698 |
| expenses               |         |          |          |          |          |
| PROFIT BEFORE TAXES              |   -9,492 |   12,310 |    6,258 |   36,384 |
| Income taxes           |         |    3,164 |   -3,102 |   -1,907 |   -9,907 |
| PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD  |         |   -6,329 |    9,208 |    4,351 |   26,477 |
| Diluted and undiluted  |         |    -0.23 |     0.33 |     0.16 |     0.95 |
| earnings per share     |         |          |          |          |          |

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (EUR 1,000)                                          

|                                       |       IFRS |       IFRS |            |
| ASSETS                                |   31.12.08 |   31.12.07 |            |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS                    |            |            |            |
| Intangible assets                     |      6,123 |      4,262 |            |
| Goodwill                              |      3,683 |      3,737 |            |
| Property, plant and equipment         |     27,558 |     25,946 |            |
| Financial assets                      |        109 |        128 |            |
| Holdings in associated companies      |      1,889 |      2,156 |            |
| Non-current receivables               |      1,820 |        403 |            |
| Deferred tax assets                   |      3,121 |      1,686 |            |
| TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS              |     44,303 |     38,318 |            |
| CURRENT ASSETS                        |            |            |            |
| Inventories                           |     88,308 |     65,635 |            |
| Trade receivables                     |     22,155 |     29,276 |            |
| Income tax receivables                |      5,023 |        861 |            |
| Other current receivables             |      6,916 |      7,191 |            |
| Liquid assets                         |      8,095 |     12,633 |            |
| TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                  |    130,497 |    115,595 |            |
| TOTAL ASSETS                          |    174,800 |    153,914 |            |

| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                |            |            |            |
| EQUITY                                |            |            |            |
| Share capital                         |      7,000 |      7,000 |            |
| Other reserves                        |       -646 |         19 |            |
| Translation differences               |     -1,725 |       -943 |            |
| Retained earnings                     |     62,484 |     70,456 |            |
| EQUITY OWNED                          |            |            |            |
| BY PARENT COMPANY SHAREHOLDERS        |     67,113 |     76,532 |            |
| Minority interest                     |          0 |          0 |            |
| TOTAL EQUITY                          |     67,113 |     76,532 |            |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES               |            |            |            |
| Interest-bearing liabilities          |     26,140 |     16,717 |            |
| Deferred tax liabilities              |        556 |        768 |            |
| Other non-current liabilities         |        861 |         30 |            |
| TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES         |     27,556 |     17,515 |            |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES                   |            |            |            |
| Interest-bearing liabilities          |     46,769 |     17,225 |            |
| Provisions                            |      6,058 |      4,341 |            |
| Tax liabilities for the period        |         76 |      1,752 |            |
| Trade creditors and other current     |     27,228 |     36,548 |            |
| liabilities                           |            |            |            |
| TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES             |     80,131 |     59,867 |            |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES          |    174,800 |    153,914 |            |

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (EUR 1,000)                                    

|                              |         |      IFRS |       IFRS |            |
|                              |         |   1-12/08 |    1-12/07 |            |
| BUSINESS OPERATIONS:         |         |           |            |            |
| Profit for the period        |         |     4,351 |     26,477 |            |
| Adjustments:                 |         |           |            |            |
| Financial income and         |         |     7,462 |      1,698 |            |
| expenses                     |         |           |            |            |
| Share of the result of associated      |       -91 |     -1,002 |            |
| companies                              |           |            |            |
| Depreciation                 |         |     5,037 |      4,270 |            |
| Income taxes                 |         |     2,378 |      9,897 |            |
| Other adjustments            |         |    -1,827 |       -717 |            |
| Cash flow before change in working     |    17,308 |     40,623 |            |
| capital                                |           |            |            |
| Change in working capital:   |         |           |            |            |
| Change in current                                  |            |            |
| non-interest-bearing         |         |     7,086 |    -13,091 |            |
| receivables                  |         |           |            |            |
| Change in inventories        |         |   -22,673 |     -7,020 |            |
| Change in current                                  |            |            |
| non-interest-bearing         |         |    -9,718 |      8,220 |            |
| creditors                    |         |           |            |            |
| Change in provisions for     |         |     1,717 |        824 |            |
| liabilities and charges      |         |           |            |            |
| Interest received            |         |       281 |        298 |            |
| Interest paid                |         |    -2,450 |     -1,463 |            |
| Other financial items        |         |    -4,966 |       -505 |            |
| Income taxes paid            |         |    -7,355 |     -8,886 |            |
| NET CASH FLOW FROM BUSINESS  |         |   -20,770 |     19,001 |            |
| OPERATIONS (A)               |         |           |            |            |
| INVESTMENTS                  |         |           |            |            |
| Investments in tangible and intangible |    -8,509 |     -6,565 |            |
| assets                                 |           |            |            |
| Investments in other assets            |        27 |        -14 |            |
| Repayment of loan            |         |         0 |          0 |            |
| receivables                  |         |           |            |            |
| Dividends received           |         |         0 |        178 |            |
| CASH OUTFLOW FROM INVESTING  |         |    -8,481 |     -6,401 |            |
| ACTIVITIES (B)               |         |           |            |            |
| FINANCING                    |         |           |            |            |
| Withdrawal/Repayment of      |         |           |            |            |
| non-current loans            |         |    29,422 |      8,855 |            |
| Change in current            |         |           |            |            |
| interest-bearing liabilities |         |       309 |        -93 |            |
| Withdrawal/Repayment of      |         |           |            |            |
| non-current loans            |         |    10,253 |     -5,735 |            |
| Payment of finance lease liabilities   |       122 |       -116 |            |
| Change in non-current receivables      |    -1,417 |       -239 |            |
| Dividends paid               |         |   -13,976 |    -11,200 |            |
| NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM        |         |    24,713 |     -8,529 |            |
| FINANCING (C)                |         |           |            |            |
| Change in liquid assets      |         |    -4,538 |      4,071 |            |
| (A+B+C)                      |         |           |            |            |
| Liquid assets on 1 Jan       |         |    12,633 |      8,562 |            |
| Liquid assets on 31 Dec      |         |     8,095 |     12,633 |            |

RECONCILIATION OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (EUR 1,000)                                 

| A = Share Capital  |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| B = Share premium and other |         |         |         |        |         |
| reserves                    |         |         |         |        |         |
| C = Translation    |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| differences        |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| D = Own shares              |         |         |         |        |         |
| E = Retained earnings                                                        |
| F = Equity         |        |         |         |         |        |         |
|                    |    EQUITY OWNED BY PARENT COMPANY    |        |         |
|                    |             SHAREHOLDERS             |        |         |
|                    |      A |       B |       C |       D |      E |       F |
| EQUITY 1 JAN 2008  |  7,000 |      20 |    -943 |       0 | 70,455 |  76,532 |
| Translation        |      0 |       0 |    -783 |       0 |  1,654 |     871 |
| differences        |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| NET INCOME         |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| RECOGNISED         |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| DIRECTLY IN EQUITY |      0 |       0 |    -783 |       0 |  1,654 |     871 |
| Net profit for the |      0 |       0 |         |         |  4,351 |   4,351 |
| period             |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| TOTAL RECOGNISED   |      0 |       0 |    -783 |       0 |  6,005 |   5,222 |
| INCOME AND         |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| EXPENSES           |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| Dividend           |      0 |       0 |       0 |       0 | -13,97 | -13,976 |
| distribution       |        |         |         |         |      6 |         |
| Purchase of the    |      0 |       0 |       0 |    -665 |      0 |    -665 |
| company's own      |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| shares             |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| EQUITY 31 DEC 2008 |  7,000 |      20 |  -1,726 |    -665 | 62,484 |  67,113 |
| EQUITY 1 JAN 2007  |  7,000 |      20 |    -750 |       0 | 54,887 |  61,157 |
| Translation        |      0 |       0 |    -193 |       0 |    291 |      98 |
| differences        |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| NET INCOME         |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| RECOGNISED         |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| DIRECTLY IN EQUITY |      0 |       0 |    -193 |       0 |    291 |      98 |
| Net profit for the |      0 |       0 |         |         | 26,477 |  26,477 |
| period             |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| TOTAL RECOGNISED   |      0 |       0 |    -193 |       0 | 26,768 |  26,575 |
| INCOME AND         |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| EXPENSES           |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| Dividend           |      0 |       0 |       0 |       0 | -11,20 | -11,200 |
| distribution       |        |         |         |         |      0 |         |
| Purchase of the    |      0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |      0 |       0 |
| company's own      |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| shares             |        |         |         |         |        |         |
| EQUITY 31 DEC 2007 |  7,000 |      20 |    -943 |       0 | 70,455 |  76,532 |

|                        |         |          | 31.12.08 | 31.12.07 |          |
| 1. LEASING COMMITMENTS |         |          |    5,903 |    2,519 |          |
| (EUR 1,000)            |         |          |          |          |          |

| 2. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (EUR   |          | 31.12.08 | 31.12.07 |          |
| 1,000)                           |          |          |          |          |
| Guarantees given on    |         |          |    1,090 |    1,285 |          |
| behalf of others       |         |          |          |          |          |
| Repurchase commitments |         |          |    4,049 |    3,202 |          |
| Other commitments      |         |          |    1,443 |    1,059 |          |
| TOTAL                  |         |          |    6,582 |    5,546 |          |

| 3. PROVISIONS (EUR     |         |          | Guarantee provision |          |
| 1,000)                 |         |          |                     |          |
| 1.1.2008               |         |          |    4,341 |          |          |
| Increase               |         |          |    2,087 |          |          |
| Used provisions        |         |          |     -370 |          |          |
| 31.12.2008             |         |          |    6,058 |          |          |

| KEY FIGURES AND RATIOS |         |          | 31.12.08 | 31.12.07 |          |
| R&D expenditure, MEUR            |          |      7.6 |      5.7 |          |
| Capital expenditure, MEUR                   |      8.5 |      6.6 |          |
| as % of net sales      |         |          |      2.9 |      2.1 |          |
| Average number of      |         |          |    1,044 |      876 |          |
| employees              |         |          |          |          |          |
| Order books, MEUR      |         |          |     41.5 |    110.1 |          |
| Equity ratio, %        |         |          |     38.4 |     50.3 |          |
| Diluted and undiluted earnings per share,   |     0.16 |     0.95 |          |
| EUR                                         |          |          |          |
| Equity per share, EUR  |         |          |     2.40 |     2.73 |          |

FORMULAE FOR FINANCIAL INDICATORS                                               

Average number of personnel:                                                    

Average of the number of personnel at the end of each month. The calculation has
been adjusted for part-time employees.                                          

Equity ratio, %:                                                                

Equity + minority interest                                                      
Balance sheet total - advance payments received * 100                           

Earnings per share:                                                             

Profit before taxes - taxes (incl. change in deferred taxes) -/+ minority       
Average number of shares during the accounting period, adjusted for share issues

Equity per share:                                                               

Capital and reserves                                                            
Number of shares on the balance sheet date, adjusted for share issues           

| ORDER INTAKE, MEUR     |         |          |  1-12/08 |  1-12/07 |          |
| Ponsse Group           |         |          |    224,4 |    361,2 |          |

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the IFRS         
recognition and measurement principles; however, it does not comply with all of 
the requirements of IAS 34.                                                     

The accounting policies for the financial statements are compatible with those  
for the financial statements prepared on 31 December 2007.                      

The above figures have not been audited.                                        

The above figures have been rounded off and may therefore differ from those     
given in the official financial statements.                                     

This communication includes future-oriented statements that are based on the    
assumptions currently known by the company and its current decisions and plans. 
Although the company believes that the future expectations are well founded,    
there is no certainty that the said expectations will prove correct. This is why
the results may significantly deviate from the assumptions included in the      
future-oriented statements as a result of, among other things, changes in the   
economy, markets, competitive conditions, legislation or currency exchange      

Vieremä 10 February 2009                                                        

Juho Nummela                                                                    
President and CEO                                                               

Mikko Paananen                                                                  

FURTHER INFORMATION                                                             
Juho Nummela, President and CEO, tel. +358 20 768 8914 or +358 400 495 690      
Mikko Paananen, CFO, tel. +358 20 768 8648 or +358 400 817 036                  

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd                                                         
Principal media                                                                 


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