Successful Launch on the Global Market and First Tactivo™ Order for Precise Biometrics

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Precise Biometrics AB  (Publ), Corporate Identity No. 556545-6596
Interim Report for the Period January – June 2012

  • The group’s net sales for the interim period was SEK 11.4 million (9.4)
  • The groups income for the interim period was SEK -22.8 million (-18.6)
  • Earnings per share for the interim period amounted to SEK -0,12 (-0.13)


  • Precise Biometrics' product for mobile security for smartphones and tablets, Tactivo™ was certified by Apple. Precise Biometrics kicked off global launch of Tactivo™ for iPhone and iPad.

  • Etienne Veber joined Precise Biometrics in the capacity of Chief Commercial Officer and Executive Vice President.
  • Precise Biometrics received first Tactivo™ order from one of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers. Precise Biometrics expects this customer to have Tactivo™ deployed by Q3 2012 and anticipates subsequent orders with the potential for several thousand units over the following months.

Point of contact
Thomas Marschall, President and CEO, Precise Biometrics AB
Tel. 46 46 31 11 10 or 46 734 35 11 10

Patrik Norberg, CFO, Precise Biometrics AB
Tel. 46 46 31 11 47 or 46 734 35 11 47

Precise Biometrics is a market-leading provider of solutions for fingerprint recognition to prove people's identities. With top-of-the-line expertise in fingerprint verification, Precise Biometrics offers fast, accurate and secure authentication of a person.

The technology adds value to ID, enterprise and bank cards as well as access to mobile solutions, computers and networks. Precise Biometrics serves business and government organizations throughout the world and its technology is licensed to close to 160 million users.

For more information, please visit
