Smartphone with Precise BioMatch Mobile™ launched by leading vendor
PRECISE BIOMETRICS AB (PUBL), CORPORATE IDENTITY NO. 556545-6596INTERIM REPORT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY – SEPTEMBER 2014·The group’s net sales for the period was SEK 21.5 million (32.1), respectively 7.3 million (6.1) for the third quarter. ·The group’s operating result for the period was SEK -34.9 million (-22.9), respectively SEK -14.1 million (-10.5) for the third quarter. ·The group’s net result for the period was SEK -34.4 million (-24.2), respectively SEK -14.0 million (-10.4) for the third quarter. ·Earnings per share for the period were SEK -0.10 (-0.08),