Nomination Committee appointed for the Annual General Meeting 2021 in Proact IT Group AB (publ)

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According to a decision from the previous Annual General Meeting of Proact IT Group AB a nomination committee has been constituted with the task of preparing proposals to be submitted to the company's Annual General Meeting 2021. The nomination committee is to consist of representatives of the four biggest shareholders. The nomination committee also has the right to adjunct the board chairman to the election committee’s meetings.

The committee consists of the following members:

  • Jens Ismunden, ordförande (Aktiebolaget Grenspecialisten)
  • Stephanie Göthman (Livförsäkringsbolaget Skandia)
  • Johannes Wingborg (Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning AB)
  • Karin Möllborg (Carey Trustees Limited)

The mandate period of the nomination committee continues until a new nomination committee has been appointed.

Shareholders who would like to send a proposal to the nomination committee for the annual general meeting 2021 may contact the nomination committee through its chairman Jens Ismunden.

For further information, please contact:
Jens Ismunden, chairman of the nomination committee, tel. +46 730 31 25 81, e-mail

About Proact
Proact is Europe’s leading independent data centre and cloud services provider. By delivering flexible, accessible and secure IT solutions and services, we help companies and authorities reduce risk and costs, whilst increasing agility, productivity and efficiency. We’ve completed over 5,000 successful projects around the world, have more than 3,500 customers and currently manage in excess of 100 petabytes of information in the cloud. We employ over 1,000 people in 15 countries across Europe and North America. Founded in 1994, our parent company, Proact IT Group AB (publ), listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in 1999 (under the symbol PACT). For further information about Proact’s activities please visit us at



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