Interim report 2011-01-01 - 2011-06-30

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Second quarter of 2011

  • Net sales totalled MSEK 24.0 (16.0).
  • EBIT amounted to MSEK 6.3 (2.7).
  • Profit after tax amounted to MSEK 4.9 (2.1).
  • Earnings per share amounted to SEK 0.53 (0.23).
  • Total cash flow amounted to MSEK -7.9 (3.1). Probi paid dividends of MSEK 9.2.

First six months of 2011

  • Net sales totalled MSEK 47.9 (31.9).
  • EBIT amounted to MSEK 13.0 (5.8).
  • Profit after tax amounted to MSEK 10.0 (4.5).
  • earnings per share amounted to SEK 1.08 (0.48).
  • Total cash flow amounted to MSEK -12.5 (4.8). Probi repurchased own shares for MSEK 6.9 and paid dividends of MSEK 9.2.

Significant events during the second quarter:

  • Sales for Dietary Supplements rose 154 per cent, compared with the second quarter of 2010.
  • The best quarter to date for Probi´s dietary supplements in cooperation with Bringwell in the Nordic region.
  • Royalty revenue from ProViva rose 4 per cent, compared with the year-earlier quarter.

CEO´s comments:

”Again during the second quarter sales increased 50 per cent and a significant earnings improvement was achieved compared with the year-earlier period. Our high growth continues and is based solely on revenue from Probi’s current businesses. It is additionally gratifying that the Dietary Supplements business area reported the best quarter ever, both in terms of revenue and earnings. This proves that our strategy for Dietary Supplements is functioning well.” says Michael Oredsson, CEO of Probi.

The information is such that Probi AB must disclose in accordance with the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. This information was submitted for publication on 19 July 2011, at 8:45 am

This is a translation of the Swedish version of the interim report. When in doubt, the Swedish wording prevails.

For further information, please contact: Michael Oredsson, CEO of Probi, tel: +46(0)46-286 89 23 or +46(0)707-18 89 30, e-mail:


Probi is a leading player in the probiotic research and the development of efficient and well-documented probiotics. The research areas include: gastrointestinal tracts, immune system, metabolic syndrome and stress and recovery. Probi’s customers are leading companies in the functional foods and dietary supplement business areas. Total income for 2010 was MSEK 81.1, of which the majority represented royalties. Probi’s share is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, Small Cap. Probi has approximately 4 200 shareholders. For more information, please visit



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