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Probi’s Swedish common cold study published in European Journal of Nutrition

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Significantly reduced risk of catching colds and fewer days with cold symptoms. Those are the main results from Probi’s extensive Swedish common cold study, which has now been published in the European Journal of Nutrition (DOI 10.1007/s00394-010-0127-6). The unique probiotic strains examined in the study are now available to Swedish consumers both as a range of juices, Friscus by Bravo, and as a dietary supplement, ProbiFrisk.

”The publication in the European Journal of Nutrition adds further credibility to the study and strengthens Probi’s brand. We have already launched products based on the probiotics demonstrated effective in the study. The publication of the study will generate further interest from new customers and in new markets,” says Michael Oredsson, CEO of Probi. 

The European Journal of Nutrition (EJN) has published original papers, reviews and short communications in the nutritional sciences since 1960.

The double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted during 2006 and 2007 on 272 healthy study subjects in Lund and Uppsala. The main objective of the study was to examine if the frequency of common colds could be reduced through the intake of the combination of two of Probi’s patented probiotics, one Lactobacillus plantarum (DSM 15312) strain and one Lactobacillus paracasei (DSM 13434) strain.

The results clearly demonstrate that the two strains have a positive impact on the immune system. The participants in the study were observed over three months and the frequency of common colds in the probiotic group (121 common colds) was significantly lower than in the placebo group (170 common colds). The number of days with common cold symptoms was also significantly reduced in the probiotic group, where the average was 6.2 days compared to 8.6 days in the placebo group. The severity of symptoms for subjects who had common cold episodes was also lower in the active group compared to the placebo group.

For further information, contact:

Michael Oredsson, CEO, Probi, phone: +46 46 286 89 23 or mobile: +46 707 18 89 30, e-mail: michael.oredsson@probi.se.

Niklas Larsson, Research Director, phone: +46 46 286 89 21 or mobile: +46 761 18 26 99, e-mail: niklas.larsson@probi.se.

About Probi

Probi is a leading player in the probiotic research and the development of efficient and well-documented probiotics. The research areas include: gastrointestinal tracts, immune system, metabolic syndrome and stress and recovery. Probi’s customers are leading companies in the functional foods and dietary supplement business areas. Total income for 2009 was MSEK 66.2, of which the majority represented royalties. Probi’s share is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, Small Cap. Probi has approximately 4,500 shareholders. For more information, please visit www.probi.com.


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