Probi signs co-development agreement with leading global food company

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Probi has entered into a co-development agreement with a leading global food company focusing on joint clinical development of Probi’s immune health platform ProbiDefendumTM.The objective of the collaboration is to further strengthen the clinical platform of ProbiDefendumTMin preparation of the application for a health claim within the EU that Probi intends to make. A jointly conducted clinical trial on common colds and immune response will commence in Europe in Q1 2012. Probi’s partner has been granted an exclusive global option to negotiate commercial agreements where Probi currently has no commercial products based on the immune health platform.

“I am very pleased that ProbiDefendumTMhas attracted one of the global leaders in the food industry. We have jointly concluded that, provided that the new trial is also succesful, Probi willl be in a position to file a very strong application to EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), where the new trial will be added to our current clinical data” says Michael Oredsson, CEO of Probi.

Probi’s immune product ProbiDefendum™ is currently sold as a fruit juice range in Swedish food stores under the brands Friscus/Bravo and as chewable tablets in pharmacies and heath food stores in the Nordic region under the brand ProbiFrisk. The goal of the new co-operation is to secure a health claim in the EU and to launch products based on ProbiDefendum™ in new food categories.

The clinical study will commence in Q1 2012 . It will be a placebo-controlled, randomised, double-blind study over four months with at least 300 subjects. The study will focus on the reduction of upper respiratory tract infection symptoms as the primary endpoint. The study will have several secondary endpoints, including the impact of ProbiDefendumTMvs. placebo on a number of immune markers. EFSA has stated that the combination of data on infections and on immune markers is particularly relevant in the case of immune defence.

The information is such that Probi AB must disclose in accordance with the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.


Michael Oredsson, CEO, Probi, phone. +46 46 286 89 23 or mobile +46 707 18 89 30

Niklas Bjärum, Vice President  Marketing & Sales, Probi, phone. +46 46 286 89 67 or
mobile: +46 705 38 88 64, e-mail:


Probi is a leading player in the probiotic research and the development of efficient and well-documented probiotics. The research areas include: gastrointestinal tracts, immune system, metabolic syndrome and stress and recovery. Probi’s customers are leading companies in the functional foods and dietary supplement business areas. Total income for 2010 was MSEK 81.1, of which the majority represented royalties. Probi’s share is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, Small Cap. Probi has approximately 4,200 shareholders. For more information, please visit



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